Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Cadot Martine, Biostatistics, 60 hours, M1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Di Martino Joseph, Programming in C 1, 67 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Di Martino Joseph, Programming in C 2, 85 hours, L2, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Di Martino Joseph, Programming in C/C++, 45 hours, L3, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Vincent Colotte, C2i - Certificat Informatique et Internet, 50h, L1 , University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Vincent Colotte, System, 115h, L3 , University of Lorraine, France
Master: Vincent Colotte, Introduction to Speech Analysis and Recognition, 18h, M1 , University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Odile Mella, C2i - Certificat Informatique et Internet, 28h, L1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Odile Mella, Introduction to Web Programming, 30h, L1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Odile Mella, Computer Networking, 86h, L2-L3, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Odile Mella, Computer Networking, 45h, M1, University of Lorraine, France
Master : Odile Mella, Computer Networking, 14h, M2, University of Lorraine, France
Master : Odile Mella, Supervising students in company internship, M2, University of Lorraine, France
Adults : Odile Mella, Computer science courses for seconday school teachers (Informatique et Sciences du Numérique courses) (10HTED), ESPE of Academy Nancy-Metz, University of Lorraine, France
Ecole Audioprothèse: Anne Bonneau, Phonétique, 16 hours, Université de Lorraine
Licence: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Psycholinguistics, 30 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Reading, 24 hours, L2, Departement Orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Dyslexia, 25 hours,Departement Orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Deaf people & reading, 9 hours,Departement Orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Psycholinguistics, 12 hours,Departement Orthophonie, University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris, France
Master: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Psychology, 70 hours, ESPE, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, French Language Didactics, 80 hours, ESPE, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Psychology, 6 hours, University Blaise Pascal, France
Doctorat: Piquard-Kipffer Agnès, Language Pathology, 15 hours, EHESP, University of Sorbonne-Paris Cité, France
School of engineers: Vincent Colotte, XML, 20h, Telecom Nancy, France
Other: Vincent Colotte, Responsible for "Certificat Informatique et Internet" for the University of Lorraine (50000 students, 30 departments).
DUT: Slim Ouni, Programming in Java, 24 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: Slim Ouni, Web Programming, 24 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: Slim Ouni, Graphical User Interface, 48 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: Slim Ouni, Advanced Algotihms, 24 hours, L2, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: Slim Ouni, Innovation in Computer Science, 38 hours, L3, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Slim Ouni, Game Design, 30 hours, M1, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Slim Ouni, Innovative Information Technology, 30 hours, M1 University of Lorraine, France
Master: Slim Ouni, Multimedia in Distributed Information Systems, 31 hours, M2, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: Irina Illina, Programming in Java, 150 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: Irina Illina, Linux System, 65 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: Irina Illina, Supervision of student projects and stages, 50 hours, L2, University of Lorraine, France
PhD : Arseniy Gorin, "Acoustic model structuring for improving automatic speech recognition performance", University of Lorraine, 26 November 2014, Denis Jouvet.
PhD in progress: Othman Lachhab, "Pathological voice recognition using voice conversion techniques", November 2010, El Hassane Ibn Elhaj and Joseph Di Martino.
PhD in progress : Dung Tran, "Uncertainty handling for noise robust automatic speech recognition", December 2012, Emmanuel Vincent and Denis Jouvet.
PhD in progress : Luiza Orosanu, "Speech recognition for helping communication for deaf or hard of hearing people", December 2012, Denis Jouvet.
PhD in progress: Nathan Souviraà-Labastie, "Localisation et séparation de sources sonores pour la reconnaissance de la parole en environnement réel", University Rennes 1, January 2013, Frédéric Bimbot and Emmanuel Vincent.
PhD in progress: Xabier Jaureguiberry, "Fusion et optimisation de modèles pour la séparation de sources audio", Télécom ParisTech, February 2013, Gaël Richard and Emmanuel Vincent.
PhD in progress: Imran Sheikh, "Exploitation du contexte pour la reconnaissance de noms propres dans les documents diachroniques", January 2014, Irina Illina.
PhD in progress: Baldwin Dumortier, "Contrôle acoustique d'un parc éolien", September 2014, Emmanuel Vincent and Madalina Deaconu.
PhD in progress: Quan Nguyen, "Mapping of a sound environment by a mobile robot", November 2014, Francis Colas and Emmanuel Vincent.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Stefan Ziegler (University of Rennes 1, January 2014), D. Jouvet, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Nicolas López (Télécom ParisTech, July 2014), E. Vincent, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Thiago Fraga da Silva (University of Paris-South, September 2014), D. Jouvet, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Antti Hurmalainen (Tampere University of Technology, Finland, October 2014), E. Vincent, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Raphaël Laurent (University of Grenoble, October 2014), Y. Laprie, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Lucie Steiblé (University of Strasbourg, December 2014), Y. Laprie, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Fayssal Bouarourou (University of Strasbourg, December 2014), Y. Laprie.
Participation to external committees
Titular member of the National Council of Universities (CNU section 61), E. Vincent
Member of a Selection Committee of University of Lorraine (UFR Math Info), LORIA, Y. Laprie
Elected member of the Conseil du Pôle Scientifique AM2I of University of Lorraine, Y. Laprie
Member of the Scientific Committee of an Institute for deaf people (La Malgrange), A. Piquard-Kipffer
Member of the Conseil du Pôle Scientifique AM2I of University of Lorraine, A. Piquard-Kipffer
Member of an expertise Comittee for specific language disabilities (MDPH 54), A. Piquard-Kipffer