Section: New Software and Platforms


Participant : Marc Lavielle.

MLXplore is a graphical and interactive software for the exploration and visualization of complex pharmacometric models. MLXplore also includes the ability to study the statistical variability of the models, and to model and study complex administration designs.

MLXplore does not require Monolix , although they make for a powerful combination, enabling to use the same, human-readable model description, to finely explore the properties of the model on the one hand, and on the other hand use the same model for advanced parameter estimation in the context of population analysis and mixed effect statistics.

MLXplore is an ideal tool to learn about pharmacometric models and population analysis, and is used extensively in the online wiki WikiPopix created by Popix , found at: https://wiki.inria.fr/popix . MLXplore is developed by Lixoft but Popix collaborates closely with Lixoft on on the definition of the specifications of MLXplore.