
Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair

Our team's organized the annual meeting of the French Operations Research Society (ROADEF) in February 2014. http://roadef2014.sciencesconf.org Roadef 2014 gathered more than 400 attendees, with plenary talks by Pierre Bonami (IBM ILOG CPLEX), Michel Balinski (Ecole polytechnique - CNRS), Andrea Lodi (University of Bologna), Pascal Van Hentenryck (NICTA), and Jean-Francois Cordeau (HEC Montréal); and 12 clusters having each organized a one-hour tutorial.

Chair of conference program committee

Arnaud Pêcher is co-chair of the programm committee of the international conference BGW2014.

Member of the conference program committee
  • Arnaud Pêcher is member of the program committee of ICGT2014

  • Arnaud Pêcher is member of the program committee of Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2014

  • Pierre Pesneau is member of the program committee of INOC 2015, International Network Optimization Conference, May 18-20, 2015


Member of the editorial board
  • O. Beaumont is editor for IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)

  • F. Vanderbeck is Associate Editor for the EURO Journal on Computational Optimization


The team members are regular referees for the best journals of the field.