Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • Deezer , 2013-2014

    Participants : Jérémie Mary, Philippe Preux, Romaric Gaudel.

    A research project has started on June 2013 in collaboration with the Deezer company. The goal is to build a system which automatically recommends music to users. That goal is an extension of the bandit setting to the Collaborative Filtering problem.

  • Nuukik , 2013-2014

    Participant : Jérémie Mary.

    Nuukik is a start-up from Hub Innovation in Lille. It proposes a recommender systems for e-commerce based on matrix factorization. We worked with them specifically on the cold start problem (i.e when you have absolutely no data on a product or a customer). This led to promising result and allowed us to close the gap between bandits and matrix factorization. This work led to a patent submission in december 2013.

  • Squoring Technologies , 2011-2014

    Participants : Boris Baldassari, Philippe Preux.

    Boris Baldassari has been hired by Squoring Technologies (Toulouse) as a PhD student in May 2011. He works on the use of machine learning to improve the quality of the software development process. During his first year as a PhD student, Boris investigated the existing norms and measures of quality of software development process. He also dedicated some time to gather some relevant datasets, which are made of either the sequence of source code releases over a multi-years period, or all the versions stored on an svn repository (svn or alike). Information from mailing-lists (bugs, support, ...) may also be part of these datasets. Tools in machine learning capable of dealing with this sort of data have also been investigated. Goals that may be reached in this endeavor have also been precised.