Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
A. d'Aspremont, Creation of a Master's program MASH (Mathématiques, Apprentissage et Sciences Humaines), with ENS - Paris Dauphine. Started September 2014.
Licence : A. d'Aspremont, L3 course on Optimization: ENSAE, 24h
Mastère: A. d'Aspremont, course on Optimization: MVA, ENS Cachan, 18h. item Mastère (M2) : F. Bach, G. Obozinski, Introduction aux modèles graphiques (30h), Master MVA (ENS Cachan).
Mastère: S. Arlot and F. Bach, "Statistical learning", 24h, Mastère M2, Université Paris-Sud, France.
Mastère (M1): S. Lacoste-Julien, F. Bach, R. Lajugie: “Apprentissage statistique”, 35h, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Filière “Math-Info”, deuxieme année.
PhD in progress: Vincent Roulet, October 2014, A. d'Aspremont.
PhD in progress: Nicolas Flammarion, September 2014, A. d'Aspremont and F. Bach.
PhD in progress: Fajwel Fogel, September 2012, A. d'Aspremont and F. Bach.
PhD in progress: Rémi Lajugie, September 2012, S. Arlot and F. Bach.
PhD in progress: Damien Garreau, September 2014, S. Arlot (co-advised with G. Biau).
PhD in progress: Anastasia Podosinnikova, December 2013, F. Bach and S. Lacoste-Julien.
PhD in progress: Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, September 2014, S. Lacoste-Julien, Josef Sivic and Ivan Laptev.
PhD in progress: Aymeric Dieuleveut, September 2014, F. Bach.
PhD in progress: Christophe Dupuy, January 2014, F. Bach, co-advised with Christophe Diot (Technicolor).
PhD in progress: Fabian Pedregosa, September 2012, F. Bach, co-advised with Alexandre Gramfort (Telecom).
PhD in progress: Rafael Rezende, September 2013, F. Bach, co-advised with Jean Ponce.
PhD in progress: Thomas Schatz, September 2012, F. Bach, co-advised with Emmanuel Dupoux (ENS, cognitive sciences).
A. d'Aspremont, member of the PhD Committee for Pierre-André Savalle at Ecole Central de Paris on Oct. 21 2014.
A. d'Aspremont, member of the PhD Committee for Nicolas Boumal at université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium on Feb. 14 2014.
F. Bach, member of the PhD committee of Samuel Vaiter (Dauphine), Rajen Shah (Cambridge), Anthony Bourrier (Rennes)
F. Bach, member of the HDR committee of Josef Sivic and Sylvain Arlot.