Section: Application Domains
Engineering applications of modeling, signal analysis and control
Identification of nonlinear systems: from algorithms to a popular matlab toolbox:
Block-oriented nonlinear system identification with Jiandong Wang (Associate Professor, Beijing University, China) [58] ; Development of the Matlab System Identification ToolBox (SITB ).
Identification of transmission line characteristics: from algorithms to electronic experiments. Collaboration with CEA LIST (Lab of applied research on software-intensive technologies) and LGEP (Laboratoire de génie électrique de Paris) with Florent Loete [50] (ANR projects SEEDS, 0-DEFECT, INSCAN, SODDA).
We have extended to some networks the seminal work of Jaulent [45] for the real line: all the information contained in a measured reflection coefficient can be obtained by solving an inverse scattering problem for a system of Schrödinger or Zakharov-Shabat equations on the graph of the network, which allows one to recover the geometry of the network and some electrical characteristics for nonuniform lossless electrical star-shaped networks [26] . An efficient method to solve the associated Guelfand-Levitan-Marchenko equations has been studied and is used in the software ISTL that has been developed in Sisyphe [59] , [56] . This development will continue in the project-team I4S . An engineering methodology based on this approach has been described [29] and some first experimental results obtained [36] , [50] .
Monitoring and control of automotive depollution systems: with RENAULT (Karim Bencherif, Damiano Di Penta and PhD students): [52] , [20] , [38] .