Section: Research Program
Access and Usage Control Models
Access control management has been deeply studied for decades. Different models have been proposed to declare and administer access control policies, like DAC, MAC, RBAC, TMAC, and OrBAC. While access control management is well established, new models are being defined to cope with privacy requirements. Privacy management distinguishes itself from traditional access control is the sense that the data to be protected is personal. Hence, the user's consent must be reflected in the access control policies, as well as the usage of the data, its collection rules and its retention period, which are principles safeguarded by law and must be controlled carefully.
The research community working on privacy models is broad, and involves many teams worldwide including in France ENST-B, LIRIS, Inria LICIT, and LRI, and at the international level IBM Almaden, Purdue Univ., Politecnico di Milano and Univ. of Milano, George Mason Univ., Univ. of Massachusetts, Univ. of Texas and Colorado State Univ. to cite a few. Pioneer attempts towards privacy wary systems include the P3P Platform for Privacy Preservation [34] and Hippocratic databases [24] . In the last years, many other policy languages have been proposed for different application scenarios, including EPAL [38] , XACML [36] and WSPL [29] . Hippocratic databases are inspired by the axiom that databases should be responsible for the privacy preservation of the data they manage. The architecture of a Hippocratic database is based on ten guiding principles derived from privacy laws.
The trend worldwide has been to propose enhanced access control policies to capture finer behavior and bridge the gap with privacy policies. To cite a few, Ardagna et al. (Univ. Milano) enables actions to be performed after data collection (like notification or removal), purpose binding features have been studied by Lefevre et al. (IBM Almaden), and Ni et al. (Purdue Univ.) have proposed obligations and have extended the widely used RBAC model to support privacy policies.
The positioning of the SMIS team within this broad area is rather (1) to focus on intuitive or automatic tools helping the individual to control some facets of her privacy (e.g., data retention, minimal collection) instead of increasing the expressiveness but also the complexity of privacy models and (2) to push concrete models enriched by real-case (e.g., medical) scenarios and by a joint work with researchers in Law.