Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
L2/L3: network computing (lectures, tutorials, labs), 250 hours, F. Weis, University Rennes 1
Master : Ambient Computing and Mobile Communications, F. Weis, 6 hours, M2, university of Rennes 1
Master : Wireless LANs, F. Weis, 8 hours, M2, Telecom Bretagne
Master: Mobile and Pervasive Computing , P. Couderc, M2, University of Rennes 1
PhD: Arnab Sinha, Pervasive control systems for smart waste management solutions, 14/12/10, M. Banâtre and P. Couderc, defended in April 2014
PhD in progress: Francisco Javier Acosta Padilla, Auto-adaptation for IoT, 31/01/13, Frédéric Weis and Johann Bourcier
Paul Couderc was in the following PhD examination committees:
Arnab Sinha, Pervasive control systems for smart waste management solutions, University Rennes 1 (co-director)
Tony Ducrocq, Auto-organisation des réseaux sans-fil multi-sauts dans les villes intelligentes, University Lille 1 (examiner)
Frédéric Weis was in the following PhD examination committees:
Ozan Gunalp, Déploiement continu des applications pervasives en milieux dynamiques, University Grenoble (PhD referee)
Master 1 Internship, 3 months: "Enhancing a Web Administration GUI for Smart Home using the Wisdom Framework", CHAABI Abdelhak
Master 1 Internship, 3 months: "Integration of Netatmo, Philipps Hue and Fibaro sensors into a Smart-Home platform", Bahram Salim
Master 1 Internship, 4 months: "Implementation of motion control for an RFID experimentation testbed", Victor Petit