Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • N. Champagnat, J. Claisse and D. Villemonais were members of the ANR MANEGE (Modèles Aléatoires eN Écologie, Génétique et Évolution, ending in April 2014) whose aim is to provide methodological and conceptual advances in the study of stochastic processes modeling ecology, population genetics and evolution of life. This work is sustained by regular exchanges with biologists from several teams in France. http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~anr-manege/index_en.html

  • N. Champagnat is member of the ANR NONLOCAL (Phénomènes de propagation et équations non locales, started in October 2014), aiming at understanding, in the greatest generality, the phenomena of propagation in non-local reaction-diffusion equations. These equations can present integral forms of diffusion operators, or speed that depend on integrals of the solution, memory effects, or long-range interactions in source terms. http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/projet-anr/?tx_lwmsuivibilan_pi2[CODE]=ANR-14-CE25-0013

  • A. Lejay is member of the ANR H2MNO4 (ANR Cosinus, 2012–2015) on Original Optimized Object Oriented Numerical Model for Heterogeneous Hydrogeology which started in November 2012 (directed by Joceyline Erhel, IRISA, Rennes).

Contract with ADEME

Participants : Mireille Bossy, Sélim Karia.


Since April 2013, M. Bossy was the coordinator of the Modéol collaboration project funded by the French Environment and Energy Agency (ADEME), and involving the IPSL (CNRS) and the French company Maïa Eolis. The overall goal of the project concerns the modeling and prediction of wind potential in France, in particular the quantification of uncertainties and the analysis of multi-scale variability.

Concerning the Inria workpackage, in collaboration with Antoine Rousseau, from the team Lemon , we have almost completed the SDM version with complex terrain description. We also improved the turbulence modelling to better take into account the shear effect near the ground.