Section: New Results
Tracking of Mesoscale Convective Systems
Participant : Clémentine Prieur.
We are interested in the tracking of mesoscale convective systems.A particular region of interest is West Africa. Data and hydrological expertise is provided by T. Vischel and T. Lebel (LTHE, Grenoble).
A first approach involves adapting the multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) model originally designed by the NCAR (National Centre for Atmospheric Research) for tracking storms [70] to the data for West Africa. With A. Makris (working on a post-doctoral position), we proposed a Bayesian approach [62] , which consists in considering that the state at time t is composed on one hand by the events (birth, death, splitting, merging) and on the other hand by the targets' attributes (positions, velocities, sizes, ... ). The model decomposes the state into two sub-states: the events and the targets positions/attributes. The events are updated first and are conditioned to the previous targets sub-state. Then given the new events the target substate is updated. A simulation study allowed to verify that this approach improves the frequentist approach by Storlie et al. (2009). It has been tested on simulations [62] and investigated in the specific context of real data on West Africa [35] . Using PHD (probability hypothesis density) filters adapted to our problem, generalizing recent developments in particle filtering for spatio-temporal branching processes (e.g. [39] ) could be an interesting alternative to explore. The idea of a dynamic, stochastic tracking model should then provide the base for generating rainfall scenarios over a relatively vast area of West Africa in order to identify the main sources of variability in the monsoon phenomenon.