Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Member of organizing committees
Marie Candito has co-organised (with Jihno Choi and Yannick Versley) the 6th Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages (SPMRL 2015) in Bilbao, Spain
Benoît Sagot is the co-organiser (with Olivier Bonami) of the workshop on Computational methods for descriptive and theoretical morphology (CMDTM) to be held during the 17th International Morphology Meeting (IMM 2016) in Vienna, Austria
Scientific events selection
Member of conference program committees or reviewer
Marie Candito has served as reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: ACL 2015, EMNLP 2015, LAW 2015, DEPLING 2015, RECITAL 2015
Mathieu Constant has served as member of the program committee for the following events: PARSEME 6, LREC 2016
Benoit Crabbé has served as a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: TALN 2015, RECITAL, DepLing, EMNLP.
Laurence Danlos has served as a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: LREC, TALN
Corentin Ribeyre has served as a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following event: EMNLP 2015
Laurent Romary has served as member of the program committee for the following events: LT4VarDial, CMLC-3 (co-located with Corpus Linguistics 2015), SLSP 2015, LREC 2016, DH Conference
Benoît Sagot has served as a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: TALN 2015, LAW 2015, LREC 2016, CMDTM workshop of IMM 2016
Djamé Seddah has served as a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: ACL 2015, CONLL 2015, TLT 2015, LAW 2015, SPMRL 2015
Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has served as a reviewer or member of the program committee for the following events: EPIA'15, IJCAI'15, Depling'15, LREC 2016
Member of the editorial boards
Laurence Danlos has served as a member of the editorial board of the journal TAL.
Laurent Romary is co-editor of the overlay Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities and for the DH Commons journa
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
Marie Candito has served as a reviewer for the following journals: Language Resources and Evaluation, Traitement Automatique des Langues
Benoit Crabbé has served as a reviewer for the following journal: Journal of Language Modelling.
Laurence Danlos has served as a reviewer for the following journal: Traitement Automatique des Langues
Laurent Romary has been reviewing for the Language Resources and Evaluation Journal Special Issue on Replicability and Reproducibility of Language Technology Experiments, the Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Benoît Sagot has served as a reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Language Modeling, Language Resources and Evaluation, Traitement Automatique des Langues
Djamé Seddah has served as a reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Linguist Modeling, TALLIP (Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing)
Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has served as reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Language Modelling, Language Resource and Evaluation
Invited talks
Chloé Braud has given an invited talk on 09/03/2015 at Copenhagen University, Lowlands team (Danemark)
Benoit Crabbé has given two invited talk on 20/04/2015 and 21/04/2015 at Université de Genève, CLCL group and department of Linguistics (Switzerland)
Corentin Ribeyre has given an invited talk on 31/08/2015 at Université de Genève, CLCL group (Switzerland)
Laurent Romary gave an introductory talk for the launch of the Maltese chapter of DARIAH in Valetta, Malta on 03/09/2015
Laurent Romary gave an introductory talk for the launch of the Serbian chapter of DARIAH in Belgrade, Serbia on 10/12/2015, in the presence of the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Serbia
Laurent Romary has given a keynote at the DiXiT Convention week on 17/09/2015 in The Hague, Netherlands (hal-01254365)
Laurent Romary has given a keynote at the Spanish DH conference in Madrid, Spain on 06/10/2015
Laurent Romary has given an invited talk on 24/09/2015 at the 1st Workshop on Digital Humanities in Prag, Czech Republic
Benoit Crabbé has given an invited talk on 5/11/2015 at the Institut fuer Sprache und Information at Heinrich-Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
Laurent Romary has given an invited talk on 16/11/2015 at the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Innovation Symposium in Berlin (ITN DCH network)
Laurent Romary gave the welcoming talk for the launch of the Digital Humanities Laboratory at the University of Warsaw on 10/12/2015
Laurent Romary was invited to the final panel of the 10 year anniversary of the HAL-SHS portal on 18/12/2015
Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has given an invited talk on 09/07/2015 at Montpelier (LIRMM).
Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has given an invited talk and participated to a panel during the colloquium "Technologies pour les Langues Régionales de France" organized by DGLFLF (Meudon, February 19-20, 2015).
Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has given a talk and participated to a panel on "Humains, Algorithmes et data-sciences" during the GFII forum (Paris, December 7-9th 2015)
Leadership within the scientific community
Involvement in international initiatives
Djamé Seddah is playing a key role in the SPMRL initiative that was initiated during the IWPT'09 conference organised in Paris by Alpage, which involves several leading international teams. As a result, Alpage members have served as programme co-chair or member of all editions of the successful SPMRL Workshop and Shared Task series hosted successively by NAACL-HLT (2010), IWPT (2011), ACL (2012) [103] , EMNLP (2013) [104] , CoLing (2014) and IWPT (2015). Djamé Seddah also served as a co-editor of a special issue of Computational Linguistics on this topic [108] .
Alpage is involved in the ISO subcommittee TC 37/SC 4 on “Language Resource Management”. Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has participated in various ISO meetings as an expert, in particular on morpho-syntactic annotations (MAF), feature structures (FSR & new FSD), and syntactic annotations (SynAF) [48] . Within the same subcommittee, Laurent Romary is the convenor of the working group on lexical resources (WG4).
Éric de La Clergerie is the Secretary of SIGParse, the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Special Interest Group in natural language parsing.
Mathieu Constant is a member of the International Advisory Board of SIGFSM, the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Special Interest Group in Finite-State Methods.
Laurent Romary heads the Board of Directors of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium DARIAH established by the European Commission to coordinate Digital Humanities infrastrcuture activities in Europe.
Laurent Romary is member of the TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service (TAPAS) project advisory board
Laurent Romary is member of the International Advisory board of the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities
Mathieu Constant serves as a member of the Management Committee and as a substitute member of the Steering Committee of the European COST action PARSEME
Involvement in national initiatives
Alpage has many responsabilities wihtin the LabEx EFL. Until February 2015, Benoît Sagot served as head of the research strand on language resources, and was therefore a member of the Governing Board and of the Scientific Board; since then, he is deputy head of this research strand, and therefore deputy member of both boards; Marie Candito is deputy head of the research strand on computational semantics; Benoit Crabbé is deputy head of the research strand on experimental grammar; Laurence Danlos is a member of the Scientific Board of the LabEx EFL, representing Alpage;
Benoît Sagot is in charge of the scientific and technical aspects of the development of the future Corpus de Référence du Français (French Reference Corpus), a project initiated and funded by the Institut de Linguistique Française;
Benoît Sagot is a member of the scientific board of the consortium Corpus Écrits, which belongs to the TGIR Huma-Num;
Benoît Sagot is a member of the executive board of the Institut de Linguistique Française, a CNRS federation of research teams involved in French linguistics;
Laurent Romary is the leader of the scientific committe of the EquipEx Ortolang, of which Benoît Sagot is also a member.
Laurent Romary is chairman of the scientific council of ABES (Agence Bibliographique de l’Enseignement Supérieur)
Laurent Romary is also member of several scientific committee: Labex `Les passes dans le présent' (PasP), ABES (Agence Bibliographique de l’Enseignement Supérieur, chair), OpenAIRE 2020 Advisory Board, OpenEdition (UMS Cleo)
Laurent Romary is the Inria scientific advisor for Scientific and Technical Information, in charge in particular of the Open Access strategy.
Other activities for the scientific community
Éric de La Clergerie and Benoît Sagot have served as project reviewers for ANR
Benoît Sagot and Djamé Seddah are elected board members of the French NLP society (ATALA)
Laurence Danlos and Benoît Sagot are members of the Permanent Committee of the TALN conference organised by ATALA
Scientific expertise
Laurent Romary has advised the European Patent Office for the specification of their model for representing the patent information, based on recommandations by the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). This model is now used for representing a database containing 200 million documents associated with over 2 billion of individual annotations.
Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie has participated to several AFNOR meetings in relation with ISO TC37SC4 “Language Resource Management”
Research administration
University duties
Lucie Barque is deputy director of the Linguistic department at Université Paris Nord
Laurence Danlos is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Linguistics UFR of University Paris Diderot, which she chairs since 2014.
Laurence Danlos is the deputy chair of the Doctoral School for Linguistic Sciences (École Doctorale de Sciences du Langage).
Benoit Crabbé and Laurence Danlos are members of the Administrative board of the UFR of Linguistics of University Paris Diderot.
Within the Computational Linguistic curriculum at Université Paris–Diderot (L3 to M2), Laurence Danlos is in charge of the M2 and coordinates the whole curriculum, and Benoit Crabbé is in charge of the L3 year.