Section: Application Domains
Genomic data and micro-organisms population study
Generation genomic technologies allow clinicians and biomedical researchers to drastically increase the amount of genomic data collected on large cohort of patients and populations. We want to contribute to a better understanding of the correlations between gene trough their expression data, of the structure of ARN and of the genetic bases of drug response and disease and to detect significant sequences characterizing a gene. For instance the biopharmaceutical company Transgene recently contacts us to analyse their genomic and proteomic data particularly for the purpose to find markers of the success of therapies that they develop against cancer.
Network inference has also applications for the analysis of micro-organisms population, that we apply to micro-organism inside and around the truffle trough a collaboration with INRA Nancy. We want also study other specific complex microbial communities like that found at tree roots in order to characterize phenotype of the tree. There is also application in human health (for instance identification of network between bacteria inside colon).