Section: Dissemination


For the last couple of years, Serge Abiteboul has initiated and is coordinating an invited blog for Le Monde newspaper, namely Binaire, http://binaire.blog.lemonde.fr . He is the initiator of “The Cabale Informatique de France”, a joint action between the Société Informatique de France and Wikipédia France to improve the quality of Wikipédia pages about Computer Science in France.

Serge Abiteboul participated in a documentary "Nos ordinateurs ont-ils la mémoire courte" (directed by Vincent Amouroux, Zed production) that was showed on Arte in September 2015. He wrote popularization articles, in particular, [13] (on Personal information systems), [28] (on the Responsability of algorithms, and notably data analysis algorithms; short version in French in Le Monde) and [27] (on Digital humanities).

Serge Abiteboul gave talks to Congrès National des Profs de Physique Chimie (La Rochelle), Forum Big Data (La Vilette), Congrès APLCPCGE ("prépas", Paris), UPMC Colloqium (Paris)... He was audited for the French Parliament (OPECST, Big data and Agriculture).

In 2015, Serge Abiteboul was a member of the "Conseil national du numérique".