Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
H. Haddar organized with A. Lechleiter the second edition of the Franco-German Summer School Inverse Problems for Waves Ecole Polytechnique, August 24-28, 2015. Over 50 partcipants took part of this event. This event was mainly funded by the Franco-German university with participation of Inria, Ecole polytechnique and University of Bremen.
General chair, scientific chair
G. Allaire is the scientific chair and one of the main organizers of the CEA/GAMNI seminar on computational fluid mechanics, IHP Paris (January 2015).
Member of the organizing committees
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
Member of the editorial boards
H. Haddar is member of the editorial advisory board of Inverse Problems
J.-R. Li is an Associate Editor of the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals. Too many to make a list.
Invited talks
Lucas Chesnel gave a talk at the “Séminaire de Mathématiques Appliquées du Collège de France”. The video is available here
4ème conférence internationale de la SM2A, Oujda, Maroc (february 2015). Congrès "Simulation" de la Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile (SIA), Montigny le Bretonneux (march 2015).
European forum on additive manufacturing, Chatenay Malabry (june 2015).
Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering, Erice (september 2015).
Workshop on Optimal Control of Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations, Palaiseau (november 2015).
Calculus of Variations and its Applications, Lisboa (december 2015).
Mini-symposium “Inverse problems for elliptic PDEs, analysis and applications”, IFIP, June 29 - July 3, 2015
IMA Hot Topics Workshop, Hydraulic Fracturing: From Modeling and Simulation to Reconstruction and Characterization, University of Minnesota, May 11-14, 2015
Workshop "reconstruction, stability and applications in inverse problems", IHP, 29 June - 3 July 2015
Workshop “problèmes inverses pour les EDP”, Université de Reims, 2-3 June, 2015
Workshop on "Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation", IWaP 2015, University of Bremen, April 7-10, 2015.
Workshop on “Multi-scale Waveform Modeling and Inversion” at KAUST from March 22-24 2015