Section: Dissemination
J-P. Merlet has presented robotics assistance during an associations meeting organized by the Conseil Général. He has introduced modern robotics to 100 students of preparatory school in Cannes.
Y.Papegay is actively participating to the Math.en.Jeans initiative for Mathematics teaching for undergraduate students. He organized and animated a summer school in experimental mathematics and computer sciences. Two one week sessions have been held in Oxford in June gathering 30 high-school students - most of them were awardees in Mathematics Olympiad
O. Pourtallier has presented our activity to Laurence ROSSIGNOL, Secrétaire d'Etat chargée de la famille, de l’enfance, des personnes âgées et de l’autonomie
the team has exhibited its experimental flat to about 100 visitors
the team has organized a 5 days workshop Computer science for artists. Fours artists have been submitted to a crash curse on the use of sensors and actuation and have proposed a musical/dancing show the last day, based on the use of numerous motors and sensors