Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Carer xD: "Caractérisation et restitution du réel xD"

Currently, the characterization and display of the real world are limited to techniques focusing on a subset of the necessary physical phenomena. A lot of work has been done to acquire geometric properties. However, the acquisition of a geometry on an object with complex reflection property or dynamic behavior is still a challenge. Similarly, the characterization of a material is limited to a uniform object for complex material or a diffuse material when one is interested in its spatial variations.

To reach full interaction between real and virtual worlds (augmented reality, mixed reality), it is necessary to acquire the real world in all its aspects (spatial, spectral, temporal) and to return it as in all these dimensions. To achieve this goal, a number of theoretical and practical tools will be developed around the development of mixed reality solutions and the development of some theoretical framework that supports the entire project.