Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
The members of the project-team have taught the following courses:
Licence: Outils mathématiques pour l'ingénieur, 15h, L3, École des Ponts (E. Cancès, V. Ehrlacher, T. Hudson, F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre),
License: Analyse et calcul scientifique, 30h, L3, École des Ponts (T. Hudson, G. Stoltz),
Master: Mécanique des Milieux Continus - partie Solides, 14h, M1, ENS Cachan (L. Chamoin),
Master: Ondes et Chocs dans les Structures, 8h, M1, ENS Cachan (L. Chamoin),
Master: Mathématiques des modèles multiéchelles, 39h, M1, École des Ponts (F. Legoll),
Master: Contrôle des modèles et dualité, 24h, M2, ENS Cachan (L. Chamoin),
Master: Problèmes multi-échelles, 24h, M2, Paris 6 (F. Legoll),
Master: Approximation numérique et optimisation, 32h, École Polytechnique (E. Cancès) ,
Master: Analyse variationnelle des équations aux dérivées partielles, 32h, École Polytechnique (E. Cancès) ,
Master: Méthodes variationnelles et théorie spectrale, 10h, M2, Paris 6 (E. Cancès),
Master: Modélisation mathématique des vagues, 3h, École des Ponts (S. Boyaval),
Master: Outils Probabilistes pour la Finance, 25h, M1, École des Ponts, France (M. Rousset),
Master: Analyse Spectrale, 39h, École des Ponts (V. Ehrlacher, A. Levitt),
Master: Projets de physique, 10h, M1, École des Ponts, France (V. Erhlacher, G. Stoltz),
Master: Introduction au calcul Scientifique, 13h, M1, École des Mines, France (G. Stoltz, F. Madiot),
Master: Introduction to computational statistical physics, 20h, M2, Paris 6 (G. Stoltz),
Master: Modéliser Programmer Simuler, 28 h, M1, Cours École des Ponts (T. Lelièvre),
Master: Méthodes numériques probabilistes, 36 h, M2 Mathématiques et Applications, Paris 6 (T. Lelièvre).
The following PhD theses have been defended:
David Gontier, Contributions mathématiques aux calculs de structures électroniques, Université Paris Est, September 28 2015 (supervised by E. Cancès),
William Minvielle, Quelques problèmes liés à l'erreur statistique en homogénéisation stochastique, Université Paris-Est, Université Paris Est, September 25 2015 (supervised by C. Le Bris and F. Legoll).
The following PhD theses are ongoing:
Athmane Bakhta, Modélisation and simulation for photovoltaic applications, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts , started October 1st, 2014, supervised by E. Cancès and T. Lelièvre, co-supervised by V. Ehrlacher,
Gerome Faure, Multiscale methods for the simulation of shock and detonation waves, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts and CEA/DAM, started November 1st 2014, supervised by G. Stoltz and J.-B. Maillet,
Ahmed-Amine Homman, Multiscale methods for the simulation of shock and detonation waves, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts and CEA/DAM, started April 1st, 2013, supervised by G. Stoltz and J.-B. Maillet,
Marc Josien, Multiscale approaches for materials science, started September 1st, 2015, supervised by C. Le Bris,
François Madiot, Multiscale finite element methods for advection diffusion problems, Université Paris-Est, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, started October 1st, 2013, supervised by C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Boris Nectoux, Métastabilité et distribution quasi-stationnaire, since November 2014, supervised by T. Lelièvre and E. Cancès,
Julien Roussel, Variance reduction techniques for nonequilibrium systems, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts , started September 1st 2015, supervised by G. Stoltz,
Rémi Sainct, Modèles multi-échelles pour le trafic, since September 2013, supervised by T. Lelièvre and X. Louis,
Pierre Terrier, Reduced models for defect migration in metals, Université Paris-Est, École des Ponts and CEA Saclay, started September 1st 2015, supervised by G. Stoltz and M. Athènes,
Zofia Trstanova, A mathematical analysis of some importance sampling strategies in molecular dynamics, Université Joseph Fourier and Inria Grenoble, started June 1st 2013, supervised by S. Redon and G. Stoltz.
Project-team members have participated in the following PhD juries:
E. Cancès was a member (as referee) of the PhD committee of B. Pawilowski (Rennes, Dec. 2015), supervised by F. Nier and N. Mauser.
F. Legoll was a member (as the opponent) of the PhD committee of D. Elfverson (Univ. Uppsala, Oct. 2015), supervised by A. Malqvist.
F. Legoll was a member of the PhD committee of M. Capaldo (LMT, ENS Cachan, Nov. 2015), supervised by P. Ladevèze and D. Néron.
T. Lelièvre was a member (as referee) of the PhD committee of C. Vergé (École Polytechnique, July 2015), supervised by P. Del Moral.
T. Lelièvre was a member (as referee) of the PhD committee of D. Lesnicki (Paris 6, Sep. 2015), supervised by R. Vuilleumier.
T. Lelièvre was a member of the PhD committee of O. Zahm (École Centrale de Nantes, Nov. 2015), supervised by A. Zouy.
T. Lelièvre was a member (as referee) of the HDR commitee of J. Tugaut (Dec. 2015, Saint-Étienne).