Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


J-D. Benamou is the coordinator of the ANR ISOTACE (Interacting Systems and Optimal Transportation, Applications to Computational Economics) ANR-12-MONU-0013 (2012-2016). The consortium explores new numerical methods in Optimal Transportation AND Mean Field Game theory with applications in Economics and congested crowd motion. Check https://project.inria.fr/isotace/ .

CNRS Mission pour l'interdisciplinarité (Défi Imag'In)

V. Duval and F-X. Vialard are members of the CAVALIERI project (CAlcul des VAriations pour L'Imagerie, l'Edition et la Recherche d'Images). This project, coordinated by V. Duval, aims at proposing new methods for comparing and reconstructing images relying on recent progress in the calculus of variations. Typical applications are co-segmentation, statistics transfer and interpolation, as well as tomographic reconstruction. A major emphasis is given on methods derived from (generalized) Optimal Transportation. See http://image.math.u-bordeaux1.fr/cavalieri/