Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Lotfi Belkoura; Automatique (systèmes linéaires monovariables)(75h), Introduction à la Robotique (25h), L3; Lille 1; France

  • Licence : Gang Zheng; TP Automatic control (16h), L2; EC Lille; France

  • Licence : Rosane Ushirobira; TP Automatic control (16h), L2; TP Numerical Analysis (20h), L1; EC-Lille and Polytech Lille; France

  • Master : Jean-Pierre Richard; Systèmes dynamiques (30h), Métiers de la recherche (4h), Modélisation des systèmes complexes(12h), Séminaire episteme (24h); EC-Lille; France

  • Master : Lotfi Belkoura; Représentation d'état (55h), M1; Projets (10h), M1; Introduction aux distributions (10h), M2; Lille 1; France

  • Master : Rosane Ushirobira; Probability and Statistics (20h); M2; EC-Lille; France

  • Master : Denis Efimov; TD Automatic control (12h), M1; Analysis of Nonlinear Systems (28h), M2, Lille 1; France


  • HdR : Gang Zheng, "Analyse d'observabilité et synthèse d’observateur pour des systèmes dynamiques complexes", "Université Lille de Sciences et Technologies", 26 November 2015

  • PhD: Guo Qi, "Estimation dynamique des paramèters de robots manipulateur", EC-Lille, 8 December 2015, supervisors are W. Perruquetti and M. Gautier

  • PhD: Nehla Debbabi, "Approches algébriques et Théorie des valeurs extrêmes pour la détection de ruptures : Applications aux signaux biomédicaux", Tunis, 14 December 2015

  • PhD: Matteo Guerra, "Supervisory control of collective motion of mobile robots", EC-Lille, 17 December 2015, supervisors are W. Perruquetti, D. Efimov and G. Zheng

  • PhD in progress : Zilong Shao, "Oscilatory control of robot manipulator", 2013–..., supervisors are W. Perruquetti, D. Efimov and G. Zheng

  • PhD in progress : Hafiz Ahmed, "Identification and modeling of circadian rhythms for oysters", 2013–..., supervisors are D. Efimov, R. Ushirobira and D. Tran

  • PhD in progress : Essaid Edjekouane, "Cyber-physical systems", 2012–..., supervisors are J.P. Barbot, S. Riachy and M. Ghanes

  • PhD in progress: Zohra Kader, "Observation et commande des systèmes affines à commutation", 2014-..., supervisors are L. Belkoura, C. Fiter, L. Hetel

  • PhD in progress: Maxime Feingesicht, "Dynamic Observers for Control of Separeted Flows", 2015-..., supervisors are J.-P. Richard, F. Kerherve, A. Polyakov

  • PhD in progress: Francisco Lopez Ramirez, "Control and Estimation via Implicit Homogeneous Lyapunov Function", 2015-..., supervisors are W. Perruquetti, D. Efimov and A. Polyakov

  • PhD in progress: Tatiana Kharkovskaia, "Interval Observers for Distributed Parametr Systems", 2015-..., supervisors are D. Efimov, J.-P. Richard, A. Kremlev

  • PhD in progress: Langueh Désiré Kokou, "Inversion a gauche, singularités d’inversion, immersion et formes normales pour les systemes dynamiques", 2015-..., supervisors are Thierry Floquet and Gang Zheng

  • PhD in progress: Gabriele Perozzi, "Save exploration of aerodynamic field by microdron", 2015-..., supervisors are Denis Efimov and Jean-Marc Biannic

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Rance, "Etude de systèmes flexibles a retard et application aux viseurs", 2015-..., the supervisors are Alban Quadrat and Hugues Mounier


The team members are also involved in various examination committees of Theses and Habilitations, recruitment committees, in France and abroad.