Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Albert Cohen was the general chair of the 20 ACM Conference on the Principles and Practice of Parallel Computing, PPoPP 2015, San Francisco (ranked A+). 186 participants. Coordination of the three co-located conferences. 700 participants.
Albert Cohen will be the general chair of the ACM Conference on Programming language Design and Implementation, PLDI 2017 conference in Barcelona (ranked A+). 600 participants expected.
Member of the organizing committees
Albert Cohen is in the steering committee of CC 2016, now separated from ETAPS. The number of submissions doubled after the renovation of the conference organization.
Albert Cohen is the sponsor chair of HiPEAC 2015 and 2016.
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
Member of the conference program committees
Timothy Bourke was a member of the PC of EMSOFT 2015, Modelica 2015, and RTAS 2016.
Albert Cohen was a member of the PC of PLDI 2016, PACT 2016, 2015; IPDPS 2015; ICPP 2015 and of the ERC of PLDI 2015 (ranked A+); ASPLOS 2016 (ranked A+); ISCA 2016 (ranked A+);
Marc Pouzet was a member of the PC of DAC 2015; EOOLT 2015; FLOPS 2015; and two french speaking conferences AFADL 2015 and MSR 2015. Member of the jury for “Prix de these GPL” (PhD thesis award in software engineering).
Francesco Zappa Nardelli is a member of the PC of POPL 2016 and of the ERC of ECOOP 2015.
Timothy Bourke was a reviewer for DAC 2015 (Design Automation Conference), DATE 2015 (Design, Automation and Test in Europe), ETAPS/FASE 2015 (Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering), FLOPS 2015 (Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming), JFLA 2015 (Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs), and NFM 2015 (NASA Formal Methods Symposium).
Member of the editorial boards
Albert Cohen is an Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), since 2013.
Albert Cohen is on the editorial board of the Int. Journal on Parallel Programming (IJPP, Springer), since 2011.
Invited talks
February, T. Bourke presented “Exploiting and extending synchronous languages for hybrid modelling” at the MODPROD Workshop in Linköping, Sweden.
February, T. Bourke presented “A synchronous approach to designing and compiling hybrid modelling languages” in the Chalmer's Functional Programming group in Gothenburg, Sweden.
February, T. Bourke presented “Mechanization of a mesh network routing protocol and the proof of its loop freedom in Isabelle/HOL” in the Chalmer's Formal Methods group in Gothenburg, Sweden.
September, T. Bourke participated in the Modelica conference in Versailles, France.
October, T. Bourke participated in the Embedded Systems Week conferences in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
October, T. Bourke presented “Some recent improvements in modelling Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures” at the Journées Nationales GEOCAL-LAC-LTP 2015 in Nancy, France.
November, T. Bourke presented “Zélus : un langage synchrone avec équations différentielles ordinaires” in the tool session of the 10th colloquium on the Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR 2015) in Nancy, France.
December, T. Bourke presented “Verification of code generation for a Lustrish language” at the SYNCHRON workshop in Kiel, Germany.
December, T. Bourke presented “Showing safety properties of a layered reactive model in Isabelle/HOL” at the University of Iowa, USA.
December, T. Bourke presented “Towards the verified compilation of Lustre” at the University of Iowa, USA.
October, M. Pouzet gave an invited talk at the EMSOFT'2015 conference, in Amsterdam “Building a Hybrid Systems Modeler from Synchronous Language Principles”.
April, F. Zappa Nardelli gave a Keynote at the EuroLLVM international conference, London, UK.
July, F. Zappa Nardelli gave a Keynote at the TAP international conference, L'Aquila, Italy.
Leadership within the scientific community
Marc Pouzet is responsible with Sandrine Blazy (Prof., Univ. Rennes) of the group LTP (Language, Types, Proof) of the French GDR (Groupe de Recherche) GPL (Genie de la Programmation) from the CNRS. Two one-day seminars are organised every year. In 2015, one seminar in Bordeaux; the second was 12-14 october 2015, in Nancy, and together with the groups LAC and GeoCal.
Albert Cohen is a member of the Steering Committee of the ACM PPoPP and Compiler Construction conferences.
Albert Cohen is a Steering Committee member of the HiPEAC 3 network of excellence.