Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organising committees

Yves Guiraud and Philippe Malbos organised with Samuel Mimram (LIX, École Polytechnique) the first edition of the Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications (HDRA) workshop of the International Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming (RDP), held in Warsaw in June-July 2015. The second edition of HDRA will be held in June 2016 in Porto, during the new Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD) conference.

Yann Régis-Gianas, Pierre Letouzey, Matthieu Sozeau were the organisers of the “Ecole de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique 2015” about proof of programs (cf. Highlights section).

Matthieu Sozeau co-organised and chaired the first Coq for Programming Languages (CoqPL) workshop, collocated with POPL’15 in Mumbai, India, in January 2015.

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees

Frédéric Loulergue is member of of the program committee of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'15), and is co-chair of the special session “Formal Approaches to Parallel and Distributed Systems” (4PAD) of the Euromicro PDP 2016 conference.

Member of the conference steering committees

Pierre-Louis Curien and Hugo Herbelin were members of the steering committee of the conference Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA) until its merge with the conference Rewriting Techniques and Application in the new conference Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD), whose first edition will be held in Porto in 2016.

Pierre-Louis Curien is member of the steering committee of the international workshop Games for Logic and Programming Languages (GaLop).

Matthieu Sozeau is member of the steering committee of the Dependently Typed Programming international workshop (DTP).

Frédéric Loulergue is a member of the steering committee of the international symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP).


Member of the editorial boards

Pierre-Louis Curien is co-editor in chief (and becomes editor in chief in January 2016) of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.

Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey and Matthieu Sozeau were co-editors of the post-proceedings of the conference TYPES 2014. These post-proceedings were published in October 2015 as LIPICS volume 39.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous journals and international conferences.

Invited talks

Pierre-Louis Curien gave an invited talk at the GALOP'15 (Games in Logic and Programming) Workshop, in London (April 11-12).

Matthieu Sozeau participated to the HoTT/UF workshop in Warsaw, Poland (June 29-30). He gave an invited lecture on “Coq support for Homotopy Type Theory”.

Alexis Saurin gave an invited talk, in the form of a distilled tutorial, at WoC'2015, affiliated to ETAPS 2015 on “Logical by need”.

Hiring committees

Pierre-Louis Curien has been member of the “Comité de Sélection” for a professor position in mathematics at the University Paris Diderot.

Scientific expertise

Pierre-Louis Curien is a member of the Scientific Committee of the CIRM (since June 2013).

Presentation of papers

Amina Doumane presented [24] at CSL (sep 2015).

Matthieu Sozeau has presented [31] at ICFP 2015.

Cyprien Mangin has presented [29] at LFMTP 2015.

Yann Régis-Gianas has presented [32] at Formalize 2015.

Thibaut Girka has presented [33] at ATVA 2015.

Jovana Obradović has presented [43] at Category Theory 2015.

Other presentations

Matthieu Sozeau gave a talk on the development of Coq at the CoqPL workshop in Mumbai (Jan 2015).

Amina Doumane gave a talk at GALOP'15 on Least and Greastest Fixed Points in Ludics.

Étienne Miquey gave a talk at GALOP'15 Workshop on realisability games for arithmetical formulæ [37] , and a talk on a classical sequent calculus with dependent types at TYPES'15 [34] .

Hugo Herbelin gave a talk at TYPES'15 on a proof of Gödel's completeness using side-effects.

Hugo Herbelin gave a talk at the workshop HoTT-UF15 on an extension of his construction of semi-simplicial types to simplicial types.

Pierre-Louis Curien and Jovana Obradović gave talks at the workshop Logic and Applications 2015 http://imft.ftn.uns.ac.rs/math/cms/LAP2015 , Dubrovnik (September 21-25).

Cyrille Chenavier and Jovana Obradović gave talks at the workshop HDRA, Warsaw (cf. Scientific events organisation).

Talks in seminars

Yves Guiraud gave talks on various aspects of Squier's theory and its applications in algebra at the LCR seminar (Jan. 2015, LIPN, Univ. Paris 13), the Logique et Interactions seminar (Nov. 2015, I2M, Univ. Aix-Marseille) and the Chocola monthly meeting (Dec. 2015, ENS Lyon).

Étienne Miquey gave talks on the classical realisability and arithmetical formulæ at the Chocola monthly meeting (May 2015, ENS de Lyon) and the Logique et Intéractions seminar (Jul. 2015, I2M, Univ. Aix-Marseille).

Matthieu Sozeau gave a talk on a new unification algorithm for Coq at the MIT seminar in Boston (April 2015).

Jean-Jacques Lévy gave a talk about Readable proofs of Depth First Search in graphs using Why3, at VALS seminar, Plateau de Saclay (December), and a talk about The cost of usage in the lambda-calculus, at Deducteam seminar, Inria (April), and Journées Chocola at ENS-Lyon (November).

Attendance to conferences, workshops, schools,...

Matthieu Sozeau attended POPL'15, RDP'15, LFMTP'15 and ICFP'15.

Étienne Miquey attended GALOP'15, the “École Jeunes Chercheurs 2015” of the GDR-IM, TYPES'15 and the EPIT spring school.

Hugo Herbelin attended TYPES'15, RDP'15 and ITP'15.

Pierre-Marie Pédrot attended JFLA'15 and LICS'15.

Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey, Pierre-Marie Pédrot and Matthieu Sozeau attended the first Coq coding sprint as developers communicating their expertise to the participants. Cyprien Mangin attended as participant.

Groupe de travail Théorie des types et réalisabilité

This is one of the working groups of PPS, jointly organised by Hugo Herbelin and Paul-André Melliès, since September 2009. It is held weekly. Matthieu Sozeau joined the organisation in 2014.

The speakers in 2015 were Danko Ilik (Eliminating control operators from classical realisability), Ali Assaf (Tarski and Coq), Maxime Dénès (Coqonut: a formally verified JIT compiler for Coq), Tomer Libal (Regularity in higher-order unification), Andrew Polonsky (Defining equality by induction on type structure), Sergei Soloviev (Isomorphism of Dependent Products in Type Theory: Specifics and Scientific Context), Noam Zeilberger (Functors are Type Refinement Systems), Gabriel Scherer (Which types have a unique inhabitant?), Andrej Bauer (A sound and complete language for type theory with equality reflection), Nicolas Tabareau (Vers un analogue de l'axiome de Giraud en HoTT), Alexandre Miquel (An axiomatic presentation of forcing, or: forcing for the dummies), Danko Ilik (The exp-log normal form of formulas).

Groupe de travail Catégories supérieures, polygraphes et homotopie

Pierre-Louis Curien and Yves Guiraud, together with Cyrille Chenavier, Maxime Lucas and Jovana Obradović actively participate in this weekly working group of PPS, organised by François Métayer since 2009.