Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Roberta Tittarelli was in PhD under the co-direction of Emmanuel Creusé (with S. Nicaise, LAMAV Valenciennes and F. Piriou, L2EP Lille 1) on an EDF R&D Support (CIFRE) from October 2012 to October 2015. She worked on a posteriori error estimators for problems arising in low-frequency electromagnetics. She developped residual estimators for unsteady problems, as well as equilibrated ones for harmonic formulations (see section 6.2 for new results about this last point). Its contributions have been implemented in the EDF R&D code "Carmel-3D", and allow to improve the simulations by providing an efficient tool driving the mesh refinement algorithms. She is now on an ATER support at Lille 1 University and and the PhD's defense should occur before the middle of 2016.

C. Cancès supervises the PhD Thesis of Nicolas Peton at IFPEN since October 15, 2015. The bilateral contract should be signed in the forthcoming weeks.