RITS - 2015
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination


As part of the week of mathematics organized by the Ministry of Education, which theme this year was “les mathématiques nous transportent”, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes presented the transportation-related research at Inria, as well of some simple traffic jam models.

Fawzi Nashashibi participated to the "Rencontres Inria Industrie" organized by Inria@SiliconValley on the topic of "Smart City and Mobility". He gave a speech on "On-demand transportation system for sustainable mobility in smart cities", May 11, San Francisco, USA.

Fawzi Nashashibi participated to a round table organized by La Recherche and Le Monde on "The vehicle of the future: which car in 10 years ?" at Arts-et-Métiers, May 28, Paris, France.

Fawzi Nashashibi participated to the round table on "Ethical and legal questions in robotics" at the 1st National day on "Ethics of digital research" organized by the CERNA at the Mines Telecom Institute, June 15, 2015, Paris, France.

Fawzi Nashashibi organized with Christian Laugier the round table on "Intelligent Mobility" at the joint Innorobo/IEEE ARSO'15 workshop day, July 2, Lyon, France.

Fawzi Nashashibi gave a presentation on "How does the climate change affect mobility and transportation ?" at Solution COP21 exhibition, Paris, December 2015. (Video Link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3h8vpm )