Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

general chair, scientific chair
  • Ludovic Henrio, member of the chairing committee of ICE'2016; organisation of a workshop on Active object languages in September 2015.

  • Fabien Hermenier co-chaired of the 4th Workshop Energy-Efficiency in Data Centres (E2DC)

Scientific events selection

responsable of the conference program committee
  • Olivier Dalle, member of the SIMUTools Steering Committee;

  • Eric Madelaine, member of the FACS Steering Comittee;

member of the conference program committee
  • Françoise Baude: program committee member of HPCS 2015, Compas2015

  • Olivier Dalle: program committee member of DEVS/TMS'15, ACM SIGSIM PADS'15, WSC'15

  • Ludovic Henrio: program committee member of ICE'15, PDP4PAD 2016, AGERE!2015

  • Fabien Hermenier: program committee member of Compas2015, PDP, VTDC

  • Fabrice Huet : program committee member of Europar 2014, IEEE Big Data 2014, BDCloud 2014.


  • Françoise Baude was a reviewer for International Journal of Computer Mathematics, and TSI special issue of Compas 2014;

  • Olivier Dalle was a reviewer for journals ACM TOMACS, SCS SIMULATION, Elsevier SIMPRA;

  • Fabien Hermenier was a reviewer for journals of Systems and Software, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Journal of Grid Computing;

  • Ludovic Henrio was reviewer for the journal SCP (Science of Computer Programming);

  • Eric Madelaine was reviewer for the journals SCP (Science of Computer Programming) and JLAMP (Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming).

Invited talks

  • Eric Madelaine presented a talk titled “Semantics and Equivalences for Parameterized Networks of Synchronised Automata (pNets)”, at the “Advanced Software Technology Forum” of the Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, July 23rd.

Research administration

  • Eric Madelaine is council member of the International Joint Research Laboratory of Trustworthy Software, Ministery of Education, China.