Section: Dissemination
Maxime Amblard is member of the editorial board of interstice )i(, a french revue popularisation for computer sciences ( ). He is the head of the rubric informatique -ou presque- dans les films and co-author of the series of article on where we could find computer science in real life.
Maxime Amblard delivered an invited talk “Le langage, logique !” at the “Conférence Curieuse” of Univ. Lorraine, at the Nancy musée aquarium (September 17th 2015).
Maxime Amblard delivered an invited talk “Le langage, logique !” at the Luxembourg University (October 15th 2015).
Bruno Guillaume presentend the game ZombiLingo during the conference Science&You in Nancy (June).
Nicolas Lefebvre demonstrated the prototype ZombiLingo and Jiří Maršík the ACGtk during the “Forum Sciences Cognitive” in Nancy (November).