Section: Dissemination


Julien Duribreux and Antoine Veuiller has given a demonstration of the APISENSE ® crowd-sensing platform (see Section  6.1 ) at the RIC day in September. The event targets students from computer science master programs and engineering schools in Lille.

Loïc Huertas has participated in June to Rencontres Inria Industries (RII) Futur en Seine organized by the Paris Rocquencourt research center where he presented the PowerAPI software library (see Section  6.2 ) for energy monitoring of software systems.

Lionel Seinturier has participated in October to the event Chercheur itinérant organized by the Inria Lille Nord Europe research center in the context of La Fête de la science. Two classrooms (2nde and 1ère) have been visited. The theme of the visit was crowd-sensing and data gathering from mobile devices.