STARS - 2015
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Title: Crowded ENvironments moniToring for Activity Understanding and Recognition

  • Programm: FP7

  • Duration: January 2013 - December 2016

  • Coordinator: Honeywell

  • Partners:

    • Computer Vision Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

    • honeywell, Spol. S.R.O (Czech Republic)

    • Data Centric Technologies Group, Neovision Sro (Czech Republic)

    • Centre for Intelligent Sensing, Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom)

  • Inria contact: François Brémond

  • We aim to develop a network of scientific excellence addressing research topics in computer vision and advancing the state of the art in video surveillance. The cross fertilization of ideas and technology between academia, research institutions and industry will lay the foundations to new methodologies and commercial solutions for monitoring crowded scenes. Research activities will be driven by specific sets of scenarios, requirements and datasets that reflect security operators’ needs for guaranteeing the safety of EU citizens. CENTAUR gives a unique opportunity to academia to be exposed to real life dataset, while enabling the validation of state-of-the-art video surveillance methodology developed at academia on data that illustrate real operational scenarios. The research agenda is motivated by ongoing advanced research activities in the participating entities. With Honeywell as a multi-industry partner, with security technologies developed and deployed in both its Automation and Control Solutions and Aerospace businesses, we have multiple global channels to exploit the developed technologies. With Neovison as a SME, we address small fast paced local markets, where the quick assimilation of new technologies is crucial. Three thrusts identified will enable the monitoring of crowded scenes, each led by an academic partner in collaboration with scientists from Honeywell: (a) multi camera, multicoverage tracking of objects of interest, (b) Anomaly detection and fusion of multimodal sensors, (c) activity recognition and behavior analysis in crowded environments. We expect a long term impact on the field of video surveillance by: contributions to the state-of-the-art in the field, dissemination of results within the scientific and practitioners community, and establishing long term scientific exchanges between academia and industry, for a forum of scientific and industrial partners to collaborate on addressing technical challenges faced by scientists and the industry.

  • Title:Ultra Wide Context Aware Imaging

  • Programm: FP7

  • Duration: April 2012 - March 2015

  • Coordinator: Philips

  • Inria contact: François Brémond

  • PANORAMA aims to research, develop and demonstrate generic breakthrough technologies and hardware architectures for a broad range of imaging applications. For example, object segmentation is a basic building block of many intermediate and low level image analysis methods. In broadcast applications, segmentation can find people's faces and optimize exposure, noise reduction and color processing for those faces; even more importantly, in a multi-camera setup these imaging parameters can then be optimized to provide a consistent display of faces (e.g., matching colors) or other regions of interest. PANORAMA will deliver solutions for applications in medical imaging, broadcasting systems and security & surveillance, all of which face similar challenging issues in the real time handling and processing of large volumes of image data. These solutions require the development of imaging sensors with higher resolutions and new pixel architectures. Furthermore, integrated high performance computing hardware will be needed to allow for the real time image processing and system control. The related ENIAC work program domains and Grand Challenges are Health and Ageing Society - Hospital Healthcare, Communication & Digital Lifestyles - Evolution to a digital lifestyle and Safety & Security - GC Consumers and Citizens security.

  • Title: Dementia Ambient Care: Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent Remote Management and Decision Support

  • Type: FP7

  • Defi: Cognitive Systems and Robotics

  • Instrument: Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathway

  • Objective: development of a complete system providing personal health services to persons with dementia

  • Duration: November 2011-November 2015

  • Coordinator: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (G)

  • Other partners: Inria Sophia-Antipolis (FR); University of Bordeaux 1(FR); Cassidian (FR), Nice Hospital (FR), LinkCareServices (FR), Lulea Tekniska Universitet (SE); Dublin City University (IE); IBM Israel (IL); Philips (NL); Vistek ISRA Vision (TR).

  • Inria contact: François Brémond

  • Abstract: The objective of Dem@Care is the development of a complete system providing personal health services to persons with dementia, as well as medical professionals, by using a multitude of sensors, for context-aware, multiparametric monitoring of lifestyle, ambient environment, and health parameters. Multisensor data analysis, combined with intelligent decision making mechanisms, will allow an accurate representation of the person's current status and will provide the appropriate feedback, both to the person and the associated medical professionals. Multi-parametric monitoring of daily activities, lifestyle, behavior, in combination with medical data, can provide clinicians with a comprehensive image of the person's condition and its progression, without their being physically present, allowing remote care of their condition.