Section: Dissemination


  • M. Razafimahazo developed a mobile application for the pupils of the école de la paix, Grenoble. The application uses Augmented Reality for a cultural heritage tour of Grenoble City with content produced by the pupils.

  • M. Razafimahazo animated a brainstorming during CitizenTIC around OpenStreetMap crowdsourcing: “Les cartes changent la donne autour des parcours accessibles dans l'agglomération Grenobloise”.

  • N. Layaïda animated several workshops on Open Linked Data for Grenoble City and Grenoble Agglomeration (La métro).

  • TyReX received two pupils from secondary school, Jeremy Andreoletti and Hugo Kersaudy, for a one week initiation to research. We also hosted several pupils from primary school for one day for a presentation and demos.