Section: Research Program
Analysis, verification and optimization
This research direction aims at guaranteeing two different kinds of properties: safety and efficiency.
The first kind of properties concerns the safety of web applications. Software development was traditionally split between critical and non-critical software. Advanced (and costly) formal verification techniques were reserved to the former whereas non-critical software relied almost exclusively on testing, which only offers a “best-effort” guarantee (removes most bugs but some of them may not be detected). The central idea was that in a non-critical system, the damage a failure may create is not worth the cost of formal verification. However, as web applications grow more pervasive in everyday life and gain momentum in corporates and various social organizations, and touch larger numbers of users, the potential cost of failure is rapidly and significantly increasing. In that sense, we can consider that web applications are becoming more and more critical. The growing dependency on the web as a tool, combined with the fact that some applications involve very large user bases, is becoming problematic as it seems to increase rapidly but silently. Some errors like crashes and confidential information leaks, if not discovered, can have massive effects and cause significant financial or reputation damage.
The second kind of properties concerns the efficiency of web applications. One particular characteristic of web programming languages is that they are essentially data-manipulation oriented. These manipulations rely on query and transformation languages whose performance is critical. This performance is very sensitive to data size and organization (constraints) and to the execution model (e.g. streaming evaluators). Static analysis can be used to optimize runtime performance by compile-time automated modification of the code (e.g. substitution of queries by more efficient ones). One major scientific difficulty here consists in dealing with problems close to the frontier of decidability, and therefore in finding useful trade-offs between programming ease, expressivity, complexity, succinctness, algorithmic techniques and effective implementations.