Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair

Elena Cabrio: Area chair (Semantics). CLIC-it 2015 (Italian Conf. on Computational Linguistics).

Challenge co-chair, Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015)

Catherine Faron-Zucker: Workshops co-chair at ESWC 2015, co-chair of SW4SH 2015 workshop.

Fabien Gandon: General chair of ESWC 2015, European Semantic Web Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia

Alexandre Monnin: co-chair of SW4SH 2015 workshop.

Member of the organizing committees

Alain Giboin: co-organizer of JMIC 2015 Talence et JMIC 2015 Nantes.

Scientific events selection

Chair of conference program committees

Alain Giboin: Associate Chair of CSCW 2015.

Member of the conference program committees

Fabien Gandon: IJCAI, ISWC, WWW, WI, ESWC, Hypertext, WebSci, ICWSM, SEMANTiCS, SAC, RFIA, EGC, IC.

Michel Buffa: Web Audio Conference.

Elena Cabrio: Association for Computational Linguistics conference (ACL 2015), Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015), Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC).

Olivier Corby: IC, GKR Workshop @ IJCAI, MOREBI

Catherine Faron-Zucker: i-KNOW, PRIMA, KEOD, LinkED, SW4SH, GKR, IC, EIAH

Alain Giboin: member of the steering committee of the COOP conference series (International Conferences on the Design of Cooperative Systems). Member of the program committee of: SEMANTICS 2015 - Research & Innovation Track; SEMANTICS 2015 - Posters and Demos; IC 2015; EPIQUE 2015.

Isabelle Mirbel:

26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2015),

First International Workshop on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage to be held in conjunction with the 19th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2015).

Alexandre Monnin: IC, ESWC, WWW, PhiloWeb, SW4SH.

Andrea Tettamanzi: FLAIR 2015 and 2016, EvoApps 2015, IC 2015, WIRN 2015, PRIMA 2015, PPSN 2016, GECCO 2016, and LREC 2016 conferences, as well as for the SW4SH workshop of ESWC and the MOD workshop.

Serena Villata: IJCAI, AAAI, JURIX.


Michel Buffa: ESWC, WWW Demo Track, SWCS, Web Audio Conference 2016.

Olivier Corby: ESWC, GraphQ, SIIM, TTCS.

Alain Giboin: CHI 2015, OZCHI 2015, ESWC 2015, IHM 2015, WWW 2016.

Alexandre Monnin: IC, ESWC, WWW Webscience track, TICE.


Member of the editorial boards

Nhan Le Thanh: Journal of Science and Technology, Danang University- Issue on Information and Communications Technology (http://jst.udn.vn/ict ).

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

Elena Cabrio: Journal of Web Semantics, and for the Computational Linguistics journal

Olivier Corby: Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Semantic Web Journal

Catherine Faron-Zucker: Int. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED), Int. Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS)

Fabien Gandon: Intellectica

Isabelle Mirbel: Artificial Intelligence Review Journal (Springer), Neurocomputing (Elsevier), International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IGI Global).

Andrea Tettamanzi: Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines

Nhan Le Thanh: Journal of Science and Technology, Danang University.

Serena Villata: Journal of Logic and Computation, Argument & Computation, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.

Invited talks

Michel Buffa: Web Audio track at WWW2015, presentation of MT5, a HTML5 multitrack player for musicians, May, Florence, Italy.

Fabien Gandon(see http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Fabien.Gandon/talks.html ):

  • Invited research Talk, Dassault Systèmes, “Relier trois des toiles du Web : ou comment tisser des liens entre le Web de données, le Web sémantique et le Web social”, 28/01/2015

  • LIG Keynote Speech, “Bridging formal semantics and social semantics on the Web” 8/01/2015

Olivier Corby:

  • SPARQL Template Transformation Language at ESIROI, University of La Réunion, April 16th.

  • FunSPARQL: a Function Language on top of SPARQL, December 15th, Web/reactive programming seminar at Inria Sophia Antipolis organized by Indes team.

Alexandre Monnin:

  • Participate in a closed seminar hosted by Peter Norvig at Google's headquarter in Mountain View on the Philosophy of the Web (other invitees included such renown figures as David Bates, Warren Sack, Andy Clark, Henry S. Thompson, Brian Cantwell Smith, Alison Gopnik, Daniel Russell, Hubert L. Dreyfus, Geoffrey Hinton, Ramanathan Guha, Sam Goto, Erin Siegal, Alva Noe, Tania Lombrozo, Terry Winograd, David Kirsh, Fernando Flores, John Searle).

  • In April, was invited to participate in a seminar at Paris 10 Nanterre organized by Louise Merzeau, on DBpedia, and controversy analysis.

  • The same day, did a presentation at La Sorbonne, at the Obvil Labex seminar, on the ontology of the Web.

  • In April, presentation along with philosopher Pierre Livet (Aix-Marseilles University) at MSHS: "Séminaire invité, axe 2 "TICs, Usages et Communautés"", on "Architecture du Web et ontologie des opérations".

  • In May, invited by the Digital Cultures Research Center (DCRL) of Leuphana University in Lüneburg (Germany) to participate in an international symposium: "Technological Conditions of Interventions. History, Epistemology, Dramaturgy". A book will be edited out of it ( chapter "Making and caring: Philosophical engineering and the philosophy of the Web").

  • In June, presentation during a two-day seminar at Mines ParisTech. A book will be published from the texts gathered there.

  • In July, one-week long international conference at Cerisy-la-Salle on Scientific Philosophy, to celebrate the famous 1935 conferences on logical positivism that took place in Paris. He delivered a talk on the philosophical roots of the Semantic Web, in particular by insisting on the importance of two philosophers, Rudolf Carnap and Otto Neurath (logic and data visualization). The proceedings of this week will be published in 2016 by the Editions Matériologiques.

  • In October, participate in the Heritage and Anthropocene conference in Dijon (Centre Georges Chevrier, CNRS, UMR 7366) where he presented a paper with Diego Landivar (Origen MediaLab). A publication venue for the papers presented there is now actively sought.

  • La Sorbonne, in Paris, at the annual "Numérique et Société" seminar organized by the CRI (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University) to deliver a presentation the 19th of November on "What the Web is not and what it is" with Aurélien Bénel (UTT). A publication of all the presentations delivered at this seminar since its inception will be published next year by the Publications de la Sorbonne (including our paper with A. Bénel).

  • The 20th of November, presentation of an ongoing project with Lise Arena (UNS, Gredeg) and Bernard Conein (UNS, Gredeg) between Inria and UNS on "Digital artifacts and materialities". This was part of an event organized by Sylvie Mellet, vice president of the university for research, where the various interdisciplinary axes of UNS where introduced to an audience of peers.

  • Presentation at the Institut für Transportation Design (ITD) of the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, on the 23rd of November (on digital design and sustain-ability: "Caring for all objects, caring for some of them: instauration (destauration)/disclosing (forclosing)/futuring (defuturing)").

  • Lille, in December 2015, at the Espace Culture of the University, discussion on the "mappability of the Web". A short paper (3 pages long) was published by the Lettre d'Archimède journal of the University as a teaser for my presentation.

  • 1st of December, Time and Temporality on the Web (TToW) international conference, celebrating the Web's 25th anniversary at ISCC (CNRS, Paris) with Fabien Gandon (Inria, Wimmics). Our presentation is dedicated to the history of the architecture of the Web.

Scientific expertise

Alexandre Monnin worked for Foundation des Galeries Lafayette for Contemporary Art on their digital platform, of which he is the architect. He worked on the project with Mnemotix, the startup that grew out of Wimmics, and with Telecom ParisTech (official partnership) through Jérôme Denis, who is a sociologist there. This project is very much a research project which aims to capture the practices involved in producing and judging contemporary artworks. Publications are expected to follow from it.

Research administration

Catherine Faron-Zucker coordinates the Web option of the 5th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school and is in charge of continuous training for the computer science department of Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis.

Fabien Gandon is the W3C Advisory committee representative for Inria.

Alain Giboin serves as scientific correspondent for Inria Sophia of COERLE (Inria Comité Opérationnel d’Evaluation des Risques Légaux et Ethiques), in tandem with the legal correspondent Sabine Landivier.

Isabelle Mirbel is Vice-dean of Science Department at University Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Andrea Tettamanzi has coordinated the 3nd year of the Licence in Business Informatics (MIAGE) at the UFR Science of the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS)

Nhan Le Thanh is animator of a multidisciplinary cooperation working group (eHealth) and coordinator of the bilateral scientific cooperation program (NiceCampus) between Nice-Sophia Antipolis University and Danang University. He is Director of the computer science department, IUT, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University.