2015 Project-Team Activity Report
Scientific Data Management
Research centre:
Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée
In partnership with: CNRS, Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc (Montpellier 2)
In collaboration with: Laboratoire d'informatique, de robotique et de microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM)
In collaboration with: Laboratoire d'informatique, de robotique et de microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM)
Computer Science and Digital Science:
- 1. - Architectures, systems and networks
- 1.1. - Architectures
- 1.1.6. - Cloud
- 1.1.7. - Peer to peer
- 3. - Data and knowledge
- 3.3. - Data and knowledge analysis
- 3.3.2. - Data mining
- 3.3.3. - Big data analysis
- 3.5. - Social networks
- 3.5.2. - Recommendation systems
- 4. - Security and privacy
- 4.8. - Privacy-enhancing technologies
- 5. - Interaction, multimedia and robotics
- 5.4. - Computer vision
- 5.4.3. - Content retrieval
Other Research Topics and Application Domains:
- 1. - Life sciences
- 1.1. - Biology
- 1.1.9. - Bioinformatics
- 1.2. - Ecology
- 1.2.1. - Biodiversity
- 6. - IT and telecom
- 6.5. - Information systems