2016 Project-Team Activity Report
Analysis and Problems of Inverse type in Control and Signal processing
Research centre:
Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée
Field: Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation
Theme: Optimization and control of dynamic systems
Theme: Optimization and control of dynamic systems
Computer Science and Digital Science:
- 6.1.1. - Continuous Modeling (PDE, ODE)
- 6.2. - Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis & Optimization
- 6.2.1. - Numerical analysis of PDE and ODE
- 6.2.5. - Numerical Linear Algebra
- 6.2.6. - Optimization
- 6.3.1. - Inverse problems
- 6.3.3. - Data processing
- 6.3.4. - Model reduction
- 6.4. - Automatic control
- 6.4.4. - Stability and Stabilization
- 7.3. - Optimization
- 7.5. - Geometry, Topology
- 7.6. - Computer Algebra
Other Research Topics and Application Domains:
- 2.6. - Biological and medical imaging
- 2.6.1. - Brain imaging
- 3. - Environment and planet
- 3.3. - Geosciences
- 3.3.1. - Earth and subsoil
- 5.2. - Design and manufacturing
- 5.2.4. - Aerospace
- 5.4. - Microelectronics
- 6.2.2. - Radio technology
- 6.2.3. - Satellite technology