Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Xavier Rival, “Semantics and Application to Verification",20h, Undergraduate course (L3), at Ecole Normale Supérieure
Xavier Rival, “Introduction to Static Analysis", 8h, Course at Ecole des Mines de Paris, L3
Cezara Drăgoi, “Programation concurrente et distribuée", Ecole Politechnique, L2
Cezara Drăgoi, “Les principes des langages de programmation", Ecole Politechnique, L1
Jérôme Feret, and Cezara Drăgoi, Mathematics, 40h, L1, FDV Bachelor program (Frontiers in Life Sciences (FdV)), Université Paris-Descartes, France.
Vincent, Disruptive technologies and public policies, MSc Public affairs, Sciences Po, France.
Xavier Rival, Protocol Safety and Verification, Master Course (M2) in the Advanced Communication Networks Master (12h hours), at Polytechnique and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Telecoms
Xavier Rival, “Verification" Lab Course at Ecole Polytechnique (M1, 20h)
Vindent Danos and Jérôme Feret (with Jean Krivine), Computational Biology, 24h, M1. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Life Science (AIV), Master Program, Université Paris-Descartes, France.
Cezara Drăgoi, Jérôme Feret, Antoine Miné, and Xavier Rival, Abstract Interpretation: application to verification and static analysis, 72h ETD, M2. Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI). École normale supérieure. France.
Doctorat : Jérôme Feret, “Interprétation abstraite de modèles de voies de signalisation intracellulaire ", Lectures (3 hours) in the summer school “Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique”, Porquerolles, June 2016 France.
Jérôme Feret was a member of the recruitment committee for an assistant professor in Paris-Diderot University 2016.
Vincent Danos was examiner and reviewer for the HDR of Sylvain Soliman (Ecole Polytechnique, 7th of December 2016).