Section: Dissemination


Emmanuelle Anceaume was interviewed on the topic « Blockchain : comment le bitcoin révolutionne l’économie numérique ? » in a broadcast of "le labo des savoirs" (http://labodessavoirs.fr/emissions-du-labo/).

Guillaume Piolle has participated to the scientific popularization program à la découverte de la recherche aimed at secondary education pupils. His participation consisted in presentations about the objectives, methods and results of research activities in computer security and privacy (including, but not limited to our activities in CIDRE). It took place in high schools in Redon, Cesson-Sévigné and Dol-de-Bretagne.

Valérie Viet Triem Tong participates to (the stand and demo of) the 8h International Forum of CyberSecurity (FIC 2016).

Valérie Viet Triem Tong has published in Interstice a paper entitled "Lutter contre les codes malveillants" (https://interstices.info/jcms/p_91111/lutter-contre-les-codes-malveillants).