Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Olivier Goury was hired as a postdoctoral researcher by the "Réhabilitation chirurgicale mini-invasive et robotisée de l'audition" to collaborate with the DEFROST team on the simulation of Cochlear Implant surgery. The contract stopped since Olivier has been recruited as a Research scientist. The collaboration with Inserm will be continued with the hiring of Piyush Jain as an engineer.


  • Sorcery The goal of this project was to work on the modeling, simulation and control of soft surgical robot with a particular focus in cochlear implantology. A very good consortium was built around the project that went to phase 2 in the ANR project. Unfortunately, the project has not been funded.

  • IDeaS, Image-Driven Simulation, Jeremie Dequidt, Magrit, MIMESIS and Nancy Hospital, 42 months,: this is a project targeted at per-operative guidance for interventional radiology procedures. Our main goal is to provide effective solutions for the two main drawbacks of interventional radiology procedures, namely: reduce radiation exposure and provide a fully 3D and interactive visual feedback during the procedure. To do so, our project relies on an original combination of computer vision algorithms and interactive physics-based medical simulation.