Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
The Inria-EVA team has not been involved in an ANR project in 2016.
Competitivity Clusters
Participants : Pascale Minet, Erwan Livolant.
Period: 2011 - 2016.
Partners: EADS (coordinator), Astrium, BeanAir, CNES, ECE, EPMI, Eurocopter, GlobalSys, Inria, LIMOS, Oktal SE, Reflex CES, Safran Engineering Systems.
SAHARA is a FUI project, labeled by ASTECH and PEGASE, which aims at designing a wireless sensor network embedded in an aircraft. The proposed solution should improve the embedded mass, the end-to-end delays, the cost and performance in the transfers of non critical data.
This project ended in March 2016. After a presentation of the SAHARA project at the IEEE WISEE 2015 conference (Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments), we were selected to write a book chapter entitled “Multichannel Wireless Sensor Networks for Aircraft: Challenges and Issues” in the Wiley book “Wireless sensor systems for extreme environments: space, underwater, underground and industrial”.
Participants : Pascale Minet, Ines Khoufi, Erwan Livolant.
Period: 2012 - 2016.
Partners: EDF (coordinator), All4Tec, ALSTOM, AREVA, Atos WorldGrid, CEA, CNRS / CRAN, Corys TESS, ENS Cachan, Esterel Technologies, Inria, LIG, Predict, Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear, Telecom ParisTech.
The Cluster CONNEXION (Digital Command Control for Nuclear EXport and renovatION) project aims to propose and validate an innovative architecture platforms suitable control systems for nuclear power plants in France and abroad. This architecture integrates a set of technological components developed by the academic partners (CEA, Inria, CNRS / CRAN, ENS Cachan, LIG, Telecom ParisTech) and based on collaborations between major integrators such as ALSTOM and AREVA, the operator EDF in France and “techno-providers” of embedded software (Atos WorldGrid, Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear, Corys TESS, Esterel Technologies, All4Tec, Predict). With the support of the competitiveness clusters System@tic, Minalogic and Burgundy Nuclear Partnership,the project started in April 2012. The key deliverables of the project covered several topics related demonstration concern-driven engineering models for the design and validation of large technical systems, design environments and evaluation of HMI, the implementation of Wireless Sensor Network context-nuclear, buses business object or real-time middleware facilitating the exchange of heterogeneous data and distributed data models standardized to ensure consistency of digital systems.
The EVA team focuses more particularly on the interconnection of the OCARI wireless sensor network with the industrial facility backbone and deployment algorithms of wireless sensors.
In the Cluster Connexion project, the goal for the EVA team was to design and implement new functionnalities for the OCARI wireless sensor network to allow it to:
support the mobility of some sensor nodes (targeted application: remote dosimetry to monitor the exposition of people to radiations),
transmit commands to sensors/actuators (e.g. configuration parameters, regeneration order),
aggregate in a single frame several heterogeneous measures originated from different sensors on a same wireless node,
integrate this network to the middleware of context-aware services, OPC-UA/ROSA.
The demonstrator “a mobile connected worksite” developed in the Cluster Connexion project meets several objectives:
Make the wireless sensor networks more reliable in an ionisating environment ionisant;
Make easier the diagnostic and the repairing by means of the aggregation of data originated from heterogeneous sources;
Take into account the requirements of information security in the architectures;
Ensure a continuum of solutions for the industrial involved.
The Industrial IoT (Internet of Things) solution proposed by Connexion is an integrated chain, from the wireless sensor& actuator network up to the surveillance, diagnostic and health infrastructure monitoring applications, using a context-aware middleware fitting the industrial environment.
At the end of the Cluster Connexion project, we made the demonstration of a command/control loop for the regeneration of wireless sensor nodes in collaboration with CEA, Predict, Telecom ParisTech, EDF, ATOS and Inria highlighting the following steps:
the upstream flow of health indicators from electronic devices,
detection of an abnormal behavior by a monitoring software (KASEM),
generation of a regeneration command and transmission of this command to the misbehaving sensor node.
When the Cluster Connexion project ended, the results obtained with regard to the OCARI network and the OPC-UA/ROSA middleware have been transferred to the Task Force ConnexSensors hosted by AFNeT. The goals of the ConnexSensors TaskForce are:
Federate industrial companies around an IoT solution IoT including wireless sensor & actuator networks and a standardized industrial middleware.
Jointly valorize the OCARI wireless sensor & actuator network and the OPC-UA/ROSA middleware.
Deploy the Connexion demonstrator in the basemenet of interested industrials.
Ensure that industrials will keep the mastership of their data.
Other collaborations
EVA has a collaboration with Vedecom. Paul Muhlethaler supervises Younes Bouchaala's PhD funded by Vedecom. This PhD aims at studying vehicle-to-vehicle communication to improve roads safety.