Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The six faculty members teach at all university levels (IUT, Licence, Master). The main courses they are in charge of are: Logics (L), Web Technologies (IUT), Artificial Intelligence (M), Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (M), Social and Semantic Web (M). Some full-time researchers give Master courses (J.-F. Baget 40H; M. Bienvenu 15H).

In addition, Rallou Thomopoulos has been lecturer in the 2015-2016 “Multicriteria Decision Methods” training session, and instructor in the “Companion Modeling” and “Data, Knowledge and Model Integration” 2016 training programs of Laval University (Quebec).

Moreover, faculty members have some specific responsibilities in the Computer Science Licence and Master:

  • Michel Leclère (Faculty): since 2011, he manages the program “Data, Knowledge and Natural Language Processing” (DECOL), part of the Master of Computer Science (about 30 students). This program is co-managed by Federico Ulliana (Faculty) since 2016.

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier (Faculty): since 2011, she is (co)-director of the Master in Computer Science, which gathers 6 programs (about 250 students). She also led the Master project for the next four years (LMD4, from 2015/16 to 2018/2019).

  • Madalina Croitoru (IUT): since Sept. 2014, she manages the “année spéciale” (about 25 students).

Involvement in University Structures

  • Michel Leclère: since Sept. 2015, he is deputy manager of the Computer Science teaching Department from the Science Faculty, Univeristy of Montpellier.

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier: since 2016, she is member of the “pôle de formation et de recherche” MIPS (Mathématiques, Informatique, Physique et Systèmes) of the University of Montpellier.


Thesis defended in 2016
  • Namarata Patel defended her PhD thesis “Mise en oeuvre de préférences dans les problèmes de décision” on Oct., 7 2016 in Montpellier. Advisor: Souhila Kaci (Univ. Montpellier), co-advisor: Roland Ducournau (Univ. Montpellier), reviewers: Jérôme Lang (CNRS, LAMASADE) and Nic Wilson (Univ. College Cork), jury members: Farid Nouioua (Univ. Aix-Marseille) and Nadjib Lazaar (Univ. Montpellier).

  • Abdallah Arioua defended his PhD thesis “"Formalizing and Studying Dialectical Explanations in Inconsistent Knowledge Bases” on Oct., 17 2016 in Montpellier. Advisors: Patrice Buche (UMR IATE) and Madalina Croitoru (Univ. Montpellier), reviewers: Anthony Hunter (Univ. College London) and Nicolas Maudet (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie), jury members: Juliette Dibie (AgroParisTech), Leila Amgoud (IRIT), Bernard Cuq (Montpellier SupAgro) and Jérôme Fortin (Univ. Montpellier).

  • Fabien Garreau defended his PhD thesis “Extension d’ASP pour couvrir des fragments DL traitables : étude théorique et implémentation” on Nov., 24 2016 in Angers. Advisor: Igor Stephan (Univ. Angers), co-advisors: Jean-François Baget (Inria) and Laurent Garcia (Univ. Angers), reviewers: Andreas Herzig (IRIT) and Philippe Lamarre (INSA Lyon), jury members: Odile Papini (Univ. Aix-Marseille), Claire Lefevre (Univ. Angers) and Marie-Laure Mugnier (Univ. Montpellier).

  • Swan Rocher defended his PhD thesis “Querying Existential Rule Knowledge Bases: Decidability and Complexity” on Nov., 25 2016 in Montpellier. Advisor: Marie-Laure Mugnier (Univ. Montpellier), co-advisor: Jean-François Baget (Inria), reviewers: Marie-Christine Rousset (Univ. Grenoble) and Sebastian Rudolph (TU Dresden), jury members: Andreas Pieris (Univ. Edinburgh) and Christophe Paul (CNRS, LIRMM).

Ongoing thesis

PhD in progress are:

  • Stathis Delivorias. Supervisors: Federico Ulliana, Michel Leclère and Marie-Laure Mugnier. “Boundedness and Module extraction in Existential Rules KBs”. Started Oct. 2015.

  • Abdelraouf Hecham. Supervisors: Madalina Croitoru and Pierre Bisquert. “Logical argumentation with dual cognitive systems”. Algerian National Ministry Grant 2015-2018.

  • Bruno Yun. Supervisors: Madalina Croitoru, Rallou Thomopolous, Srdjan Vesic. “Decision Making and Ranking Semantics in Logical Argumentation Frameworks”. French National Ministry Grant 2016-2019.


In the following list, we exclude our participation in the PhD juries of GraphIK PhD Students.

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier was PhD jury president - Christopher Beatrix - University of Nantes /LERIA - November 2016

  • Meghyn Bienvenu was PhD co-supervisor - Camille Bourgaux - University of Orsay / LRI - September 2016

  • Mare-Laure Mugnier was PhD reviewer - Camille Bourgaux - University of Orsay / LRI - September 2016

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier was HDR reviewer - Nathalie Pernelle - University of Orsay / LRI - June 2016

  • Patrice Buche was PhD reviewer - Fatma Chamekh - University of Jean Moulin / Lyon 3- December 2016

  • Patrice Buche was HDR examiner - Nathalie Pernelle - University of Orsay / LRI - June 2016

  • Federico Ulliana was member of the selection committee for a “Maître de conférence” position in Paris Dauphine