Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
DUT: I. Illina, Programming in Java, 150 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: I. Illina, Linux System, 65 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: I. Illina, Supervision of student projects and stages, 50 hours, L2, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: S. Ouni, Programming in Java, 24 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: S. Ouni, Web Programming, 24 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: S. Ouni, Graphical User Interface, 96 hours, L1, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: S. Ouni, Advanced Algorihms, 24 hours, L2, University of Lorraine, France
DUT: R. Serizel, Introduction to computer tools, 108h, L1, University of Lorraine – IUT Nancy Charlemagne, France
Licence: V. Colotte, C2i - Certificat Informatique et Internet, 50h, L1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: V. Colotte, System, 115h, L3, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: O. Mella, C2i - Certificat Informatique et Internet, 28h, L1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: O. Mella, Introduction to Web Programming, 30h, L1, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: O. Mella, Computer Networking, 80h, L2-L3, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Education Sciences, 36h, L1, France
Licence: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Reading and Writing, 27h, L2, Département Orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France
Licence: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Psycholinguistics, 6 hours, L2 Département Orthophonie, University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris, France
Licence: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Reading and Writing assessment, 10h, L3, Département Orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France
Master: V. Colotte, Introduction to Speech Analysis and Recognition, 18h, M1, University of Lorraine, France
Master: Y. Laprie, Analyse, perception et reconnaissance de la parole, 32 hours, M1, University of Lorraine, France
Master: O. Mella, Computer Networking, 74h, M1, University of Lorraine, France
Master: O. Mella, Introduction to Speech Analysis and Recognition, 12h, M1, University of Lorraine, France
Master: S. Ouni, Multimedia in Distributed Information Systems, 31 hours, M2, University of Lorraine, France
Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Dyslexia, 25 hours, M1, Département Orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France
Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Reading and writing, 6 hours, M1, Département Orthophonie, University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris, France
Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Deaf People and Reading, 15 hours, M2 Département Orthophonie, University of Lorraine, France
Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Psychology, 40 hours, M2, ESPE, University of Lorraine, France
Master: A. Piquard-Kipffer, French Language Didactics, 80 hours, M2, ESPE, University of Lorraine, France
Engineer school: V. Colotte, Conception and developpement in XML, 20h, Bac+3, Telecom Nancy, France
Ecole d'audioprothèse : A. Bonneau, Phonetics, 16 h, University of Lorraine
Doctorat: A. Piquard-Kipffer, Language Pathology - speech and language screening, 15 hours, EHESP, University of Sorbonne- Paris Cité, France
Adults: O. Mella, Computer science courses for seconday school teachers (Informatique et Sciences du Numérique courses) (21h), ESPE of Academy Nancy-Metz, University of Lorraine, France
Other: V. Colotte, Responsible for "Certificat Informatique et Internet" for the University of Lorraine, France (50000 students, 30 departments)
Other: S. Ouni, Responsible of Année Spéciale DUT, University of Lorraine, France
PhD: Imran Sheikh, "Exploiting Semantic and Topic Context to Improve Recognition of Proper Names in Diachronic Audio Documents", November 2016, Irina Illina, Dominique Fohr and Georges Linares.
PhD in progress: Baldwin Dumortier, "Contrôle acoustique d'un parc éolien", September 2014, Emmanuel Vincent and Madalina Deaconu.
PhD in progress: Quan Nguyen, "Mapping of a sound environment by a mobile robot", November 2014, Francis Colas and Emmanuel Vincent.
PhD in progress: Aditya Nugraha, "Deep neural networks for source separation and noise-robust speech recognition", January 2015, Antoine Liutkus and Emmanuel Vincent.
PhD in progress: Ken Deguernel, "Apprentissage de structures musicales en situation d’improvisation", March 2015, Emmanuel Vincent and Gérard Assayag.
PhD in progress: Amal Houidhek, "Élaboration et analyse d’une base de parole arabe pour la synthèse vocale", December 2015, Denis Jouvet and Vincent Colotte (France) and Zied Mnasri (Tunisia).
PhD in progress: Imène Zangar, "Amélioration de la qualité de synthèse vocale par HMM pour la parole arabe", December 2015, Denis Jouvet and Vincent Colotte (France) and Zied Mnasri (Tunisia).
PhD in progress: Mathieu Fontaine, "Processus alpha-stable pour le traitement du signal", May 2016, Antoine Liutkus and Roland Badeau (Télécom ParisTech).
PhD in progress: Amine Menacer, "Traduction automatique de vidéos", May 2016, Kamel Smaïli and Denis Jouvet.
PhD in progress: Anastasiia Tsukanova, "Coarticulation modeling in articulatory synthesis", May 2016, Yves Laprie.
PhD in progress: Nathan Libermann, "Deep learning for musical structure analysis and generation", October 2016, Frédéric Bimbot and Emmanuel Vincent.
PhD in progress: Yang Liu, "Merging acquisition and processing of cineMRI of the vocal tract", October 2016, Pierre-André Vuissoz and Yves Laprie.
Participation in HDR and PhD juries
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for David Guennec (Université Rennes 1, September 2016), Y. Laprie.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Ugo Marchand (Université Paris 6, November 2016), E. Vincent, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Joachim Flocon-Cholet (Université Rennes 1, June 2016), E. Vincent, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Aly Magassouba (Université Rennes 1, December 2016), E. Vincent, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Diandra Fabre (Université Grenoble Alpes, December 2016), S. Ouni, reviewer.
Participation in PhD thesis Jury for Ivana Didirková (Université Montpellier 3, December 2016), Y. Laprie, reviewer.
Participation in other juries
Chairman of Scientific « Baccalauréat », specialty Earth Sciences (Académie de Nancy-Metz and Université de Lorraine, July 2016), A. Piquard-Kipffer.
Participation in the Competitive Entrance Examination into Speech-Language Pathology Departement (University of Lorraine, June 2016), A. Piquard-Kipffer.