Section: New Software and Platforms


In collaboration with the Caramba project-team, we develop an open-source private and verifiable electronic voting protocol, named Belenios. Our system is an evolution and a new implementation of an existing system, Helios, developed by Ben Adida, and used e.g., by UCL and the IACR association in real elections. The main differences with Helios are a cryptographic protection against ballot stuffing and a practical threshold decryption system that allows us to split the decryption key among several authorities, k out of n authorities being sufficient to decrypt. We will continue to add new cryptographic and protocol improvements to offer a secure, proved, and practical electronic voting system.

Belenios has been implemented (cf. http://belenios.gforge.inria.fr) by Stéphane Glondu (SED Team). Since 2015, it is used by CNRS for remote election among its councils and since 2016, it used by Inria to elect representatives in the “comités de centre” of each Inria center. It has also been used to elect the leader of the GdR-IM working groups C2 and Calcul Formel. It has also been used in smaller elections (e.g., to choose an invited speaker).