Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Louigi Addario-Berri (McGill)

  • Gabor Lugosi (ICREA and Pompeu Fabra)

  • Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford)

  • Hui He (Beijing Normal University)

  • Elie de Panafieu (Bell Labs France)

  • Minmin Wang (Buenos Aires)

  • Neil Walton (UK)

  • Thanhh-Huy, Nguyen, M1 student at Polytechnique (Avril-July 2016). Internship on“Resource allocation in vehicle-sharing systems”.

Visits to International Teams

  • Nicolas Broutin has visited the mathematics department of the University of Bath, the School of Computer Science at McGill University, the computer science laboratory in Bordeaux (LaBRI) and the NYU-ECNU institute for mathematical sciences at NYU Shanghai.

  • Philippe Robert (17-27 April 2016) and Wen Sun (25-29 April 2016) have visited the Department of Applied Mathematics at Brown University.