Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
François Brémond was organizer of the ISG 2016, 10th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Nice,28th to 30th September 2016.
François Brémond was editor of the Crowd Understanding workshop, part of ECCV, Amsterdam, October 2016.
Member of the organizing committee
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
François Brémond was program committee member of the conferences and workshops: KSE 2016, PETS2016, MMM2017.
François Brémond was ACM Multimedia Area Chair for Multimedia and Vision, Amsterdam, 2016.
François Brémond was session chair of AVSS-16, Colorado Springs, USA, 2016.
Jean-Paul Rigault is a member of the Association Internationale pour les Technologies à Objets (AITO) which organizes international conferences such as ECOOP.
Antitza Dantcheva was program committee member of the conference International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2016), the CVPR Workshop ChaLearn Looking at People 2016 and the Healthcare Conference Workshop within the EAIInternational Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies.
François Brémond was reviewer for the conferences : CVPR2016-7, ECCV2016, VOT2016, MARMI2016, WACV 2017.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was reviewer for the conferences: International Conference on Intelligent Robot and Systems, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automaton, Brazilian Conference in Biomadical Engineering, AMBIANT Conference, Computer on the Beach.
Member of the editorial boards
François Brémond was handling editor of the international journal "SDECLAREMachine Vision and Application".
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
François Brémond was reviewer for the journal r̎evue Retraite et sociétéänd Medical Engineering & Physics.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was reviewer for the journals: Pattern Recognition, Neurocomputing, Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal, Computers in Biology and Medecine Journal, PLOS One Journal, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Sensors.
Antitza Dantcheva reviewed for the journals: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Information Processing Letters, The Computer Journal, IET Biometrics, Multimedia Systems, International Journal for Information Management, Information Fusion (INFFUS), Sensors, Pattern Recognition.
Invited talks
François Brémond was invited by Prof. Ram Nevatia to give a talk on research initiatives and new directions in Video Understanding, USC, LA, USA 17 August 2016.
François Brémond was invited by Prof. Jonathan Ventura to give a talk on People detection, at the SLDP 2016 workshop of AVSS, Colorado Springs, USA,23 August 2016.
François Brémond was invited by Prof. William Robson Schwartz,Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais to give a talk on Video Analytic, at Video Surveillance workshop in Belo Horizonte-Brazil, 03 October 2016.
François Brémond was invited by Prof. William Robson Schwartz to give a talk on People Tracking, at SIBGRAPI 2016, Sao Paulo-Brazil, 05 October 2016.
François Brémond was invited by Prof. Cosimo Distante, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche to give a talk on Activity Recognition, at ACIVS 2016, Lecce, Italy, 26 October 2016.
François Brémond was invited by Sebastien Ambellouis (IFSTTAR) to give a talk on Activity Monitoring, at IEEE IPAS 2016,Hammamet, Tunisia,5-7 November 2016.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was invited to give a talk at the 1st Inter-lalex seminar "Smart Systems", Besançon, France, November 23rd 2016.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was invited to make a presentation at PSI-VISICS seminar at ESAT department in KU Leuven University,October 24th 2016.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was invited to make a presentation at Machine Learning seminar at Computer Science department of KU Leuven University, October 17th 2016.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was invited to give a talk at ISG 2016 - Seminar European FP7 project Dem@care: Automatic Video Analysis for Diagnosis and Care, Nice, France, October 29th 2016.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was invited speaker at the internal seminar of LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France, July3rd-4th.
Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior was invited speaker at CPUEX seminar, LABRI-CNRS, Bordeaux, France, February 2016.
Scientific expertise
François Brémond was expert for EU European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection (ERNCIP) - Video Anlaytics and surveillance Group, at European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Brussels in July 2016.
François Brémond was expert for the Foundation Médéric Alzheimer, for the doctoral fellowship selection, September 2016.