Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Philippe Caillou, Computer Science for students in Accounting and Management, 192h, L1, IUT Sceaux, Univ. Paris Sud.
Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Computer Architecture, 60h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.
Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Machine Learning and Artificial Life, 55h, L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.
Licence : Aurélien Decelle, Computer Architecture, 41h, L3, Univ. Paris-Sud.
Licence and Polytech : Cécile Germain, Computer Architecture
Licence : Isabelle Guyon, Project: Creation of mini-challenges, M2, Univ. Paris-Sud.
Master : Anne Auger, Optimisation, 12h, M2 Recherche, U. Paris-sud.
Master : Guillaume Charpiat et Gaétan Marceau, Advanced Machine Learning, 34h, M2 Recherche, Centrale-Supélec.
Master : Aurélien Decelle, Machine Learning, 27h, M1, Univ. Paris-Sud.
Master : Aurélien Decelle, Information theory, 39h, M1, Univ. Paris-Sud.
Master : Isabelle Guyon, Project: Resolution of mini-challenges (created by M2 students), L2, Univ. Paris-Sud.
Master : Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, Machine Learning, 6h, M2 Recherche, Univ. Paris-Sud
Master : Yann Ollivier, Deep learning, 4h, M2 Recherche, Telecom/Polytech.
Master : Michèle Sebag, Machine Learning, 12h; Deep Learning, 6h; Reinforcement Learning, 6h; M2 Recherche, U. Paris-sud.
Master : Paola Tubaro, Sociology of social networks, 24h, M2, EHESS/ENS/ENSAE.
Master : Paola Tubaro, Digital platforms, online socialization and new economic models, 6h, M2, Arts et Métiers ParisTech (ENSAM).
Doctorate: Paola Tubaro, Research Methods, 9h, University of Insubria, Italy.
PhD: Jérémy BENSADON, Applications of Information Theory to Statistical Learning, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 02/02/2016, Yann Ollivier.
PhD: Marie-Liesse CAUWET, Artificial intelligence with uncertainties, application to power systems, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 30/9/2016, Olivier Teytaud.
PhD: Sandra ASTETE-MORALES, Noisy optimization, with applications to power systems, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 5/10/2016, Olivier Teytaud.
PhD: Robin ALLESIARDIO, Multi-armed Bandits on non Stationary Data Streams, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 19/10/2016, Raphaël Féraud (Orange Labs) and Michèle Sebag.
PhD in progress: Ouassim AIT ELHARA, Large-scale optimization and Evolution Strategies, 1/09/2012, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen.
PhD in progress: Asma ATAMNA, Evolution Strategies and Constrained Optimization, 1/10/2013, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen.
PhD in progress: Nacim BELKHIR, On-line parameter tuning, 1/5/2014, Marc Schoenauer and Johann Dréo (Thalès), CIFRE Thalès.
PhD in progress: Vincent BERTHIER, Large scale parallel optimization, with application to power systems, 1/09/2013, Michèle Sebag et Olivier Teytaud.
PhD in progress: Mehdi CHERTI Learning to discover: supervised discrimination and unsupervised representation learning with applications in particle physics. 01/10/2014, Balazs Kegl and Cécile Germain.
PhD in progress : Benjamin DONNOT, Optimisation et méthodes d’apprentissage pour une conduite robuste et efficace du réseau électrique par anticipation sur base de parades topologiques., 1/09/2015, Isabelle Guyon and Marc Schoenauer
PhD in progress : Guillaume DOQUET, ML Algorithm Selection and Domain Adaptation, 1/09/2015, Michele Sebag
PhD in progress: Victor ESTRADE Robust domain-adversarial learning, with applications to High Energy Physics, 01/10/2016, Cécile Germain and Isabelle Guyon.
PhD in progress: François GONARD, Automatic optimization algorithm selection and configuration, 1/10/2014, Marc Schoenauer and Michèle Sebag, thèse IRT SystemX.
PhD in progress : Hoang M. LUONG, Squaring the Circle in Modelling Corporate Governance, Market Structure and Innovation: A Tobin's Q Approach to R&D Investment when Network Effects Are Present, 01/09/2014, (with M. Ugur and S. Gorgoni, at the University of Greenwich, London, UK).
PhD in progress : Emmanuel MAGGIORI, Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Classification, 1/1/2015, Guillaume Charpiat (with Yuliya Tarabalka and Pierre Alliez, Inria Sophia-Antipolis)
PhD in progress: Pierre-Yves MASSÉ, Gradient Methods for Statistical Learning, 1/10/2014, Yann Ollivier
PhD in progress: Sourava MISHRA, AutoML: An empirical approach to Machine Learning, 1/10/2014, Balazs Kégl and Michèle Sebag
PhD in progress : Anna PIAZZA, Inter-Organisational Relationships and Organisational Performance: Network Analysis Applications to a Health Care System, 01/09/2014, Paola Tubaro (with F. Pallotti and A. Lomi, at the University of Greenwich, London, UK).
PhD in progress: Adrian POL Machine Learning Anomaly Detection, with application to CMS Data Quality Monitoring, 01/10/2016, Cécile Germain.
PhD in progress: Karima RAFES Gestion et sécurité des données personnelles dans le web des objets. 01/10/2014, Serge Abiteboul and Cécile Germain.
PhD in progress : Yasaman SARABI, Network Analysis of Private Water Companies, Challenges Collaboration and Competition, 15/03/2012, Paola Tubaro (at the University of Greenwich, London, UK).
PhD in progress: Thomas SCHMITT, A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Matching Job Openings and Job Seekers, 1/11/2014, Philippe Caillou and Michèle Sebag and Jean-Pierre Nadal (EHESS)
PhD in progress : Lisheng SUN, Apprentissage Automatique: Vers une analyse de données automatisé, 1/10/2016, Isabelle Guyon and Michèle Sebag
PhD in progress : Corentin TALLEC, Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks: dynamical approaches, 1/10/2016, Yann Ollivier
PhD in progress : Pierre WOLINSKI, Learning the Architecture of Neural Networks, 1/9/2016, Guillaume Charpiat and Yann Ollivier
Marc Schoenauer, PhD jury of Jonathan GUERRA (ISAE, Toulouse), External reviewer of HDR of David Gianazza (IRIT, Toulouse).
Cyril Furtlehner, PhD jury of Christophe Schülke (Université Paris Diderot).
Isabelle Guyon, PhD jury of Mathieu Bouyrie (AgroPariTech), November 29, 2016. Restauration d’images de noyaux cellulaires en microscopie 3D par l’introduction de connaissance a priori.
Guillaume Charpiat, PhD jury of Thomas Bonis (Inria Saclay); jury for the SIF best PhD prize (Gilles Kahn).
Nikolaus Hansen, PhD jury of Oswin Krause (University of Copenhagen), January 8, 2016. External reviewer.
Michele Sebag, HdR jury of Matthieu Geist (U. Lille); PhD Jury Jiaxin Kou (Royal Holloway, London); PhD Phong N'guyen (U. Geneve).