Section: Dissemination


  • BS, jointly with Emmanuel Dupoux (EHESS & ENS), gave a talk on “NLP and AI” as part of the seminar on AI organised by the Institut de l'École Normale Supérieure (21 June 2017)

  • EVdLC and BS presented ALMAnaCH's research (as well as its spin-off opensquare) at the “Rencontres Inria-industries” (forum bringing together Inria and companies) (18 November 2017)

  • DSBE and BS: participation to a meeting on Digital Humanities bringing together researchers from the PSL ComUE, the University of Cambridge (UK) and the EPFL (Switzerland) (11 May 2017)

  • BS: with Jean Ponce, Isabelle Ryl and Hélène Robak, represented the Inria Paris research center at the forum organised for the 30th anniversary of the DRM (the French Military Intelligence Office) (23 March 2017)

  • BS and DSBE: talks during the NLP edition of the “Paris Sciences et Data” conference series.

  • EVdLC: talk at the opening of the Math Olympiades 2017 about “Une palette mathématique pour appréhender le langage” (Versailles, January 25 2017)

  • EVdLC: talk at the GFII DIXIT Seminar on “IA et Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) : Quel panorama ?” (Paris, February 24th 2017); member of the organizing committee of the forum 2017 of the GFII and panelist of the session on“de l'IA washing à la réalité industrielle, quels sont les contours du renouveau actuel de l’IA ?” (December 5th, 2017)

  • EVdLC: co-animator of a new GFII Working Group “Technologies de la Connaissance”, with a focus on AI

  • Loïc Grobol: participation to the 18th meeting on “Culture & Jeux Mathématiques” organized by AMIES

  • MP, LR : Webinar on “Humanities and Open Science: Workflows and tools for publishing, licensing, versioning, identifiers, archiving, software...” for the International Open Access Week, 26 October 2017.

  • DS gave a talk on “From Noisy Questions to Minecraft Texts: Annotation Challenges in Extreme Syntax Scenarios” at the NLP Paris Meetup, Paris, November 22th, 2017.