Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Jerome Feret, and Marc Chevalier, Mathematics, 40h, L1, FDV Bachelor program (Frontiers in Life Sciences (FdV)), Université Paris-Descartes, France.
Jerome Feret and Xavier Rival, “Semantics and Application to Verification”, 36h, L3, at École Normale Supérieure, France.
Xavier Rival, “Introduction to Static Analysis”, 8h, L3, at École des Mines de Paris, France.
Xavier Rival “Programmation Avancée”, 18h, L3, at École Polytechnique, France.
Cezara Dragoi “Les principes des langages de programmation”, 18h, L1, at École Polytechnique, France.
Xavier Rival, “Verification” Lab Course, 20h, M1, École Polytechnique, France.
Xavier Rival, “Protocol Safety and Verification”, 12h, M2, Advanced Communication Networks Master, France.
Xavier Rival, “Program Analysis”, 24h, M2, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea.
Cezara Drăgoi, Jerome Feret, Antoine Miné, and Xavier Rival, “Abstract Interpretation: application to verification and static analysis”, 72h, M2. Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI), France.
Vincent Danos and Jerome Feret (with Jean Krivine), Computational Biology, 28h, M1. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Life Science (AIV), Master Program, Université Paris-Descartes, France.
PhD defended: Ferdinanda Camporesi, Formal and exact reduction for differential models of signaling pathways in rule-based languages. Defended the 23th of January, 2017 and supervised by Jerome Feret.
PhD in progress: Marc Chevalier, Static analysis of Security Properties in Critical Embedded Software. started in 2017 and supervised by Jerome Feret
PhD in progress: Hugo Illous, Relational Shape Abstraction Based on Separation Logic, started in 2015 and supervised by Xavier Rival and Matthieu Lemerre (CEA)
PhD in progress: Huisong Li, Disjunctive Shape Abstraction for Shared Data-Structures, started in 2014 and supervised by Xavier Rival
PhD in progress: Jiangchao Liu, Static Analysis for Numeric and Structural Properties of Array Contents, started in 2014 and supervised by Xavier Rival
Jerome Feret served as a member of the Jury of the PhD of Jean Coquet (Defended the 20th of December, 2017).
Xavier Rival served as a Reviewer in the Jury of the PhD of Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi (Defense planned for the 11th of January, 2018).
Jerome Feret is a member of the Monotoring Committee for PhD Studies (CSD) of Inria Paris.
Jerome Feret is deputy head of studies of the Computer Science department of École normale supérieure.