Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Doctorat: P.M. Congedo, Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification, 26h, Doctorate School of Politecnico di Milano, Italie.
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Calcul Haute Performance (OpenMP-MPI), 40h, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA et Université de Bordeaux, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Responsable de filière de 3ème année, 15h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Calcul parallèle (MPI), 39h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Encadrement de projets de la filière Calcul Haute Performance, 10h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre, Encadrement de projets sur la modélisation de la pyrolyse, 20h, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, France
Master : Héloïse Beaugendre , Projet fin d'études, 4h, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin : Integration, M1, 54h, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin : Fortran 90, M1, 44h, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin : PDE, M1, 28h, University of Bordeaux, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin : Analysis, L1, 47h, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin : projet professionnel and internship responsibility : 15 h, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Mathieu Colin : Encadrement de projets TER, 20h, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
Master : Cécile Dobrzynski, Encadrement de projets TER, 20h, ENSEIRB-MATMÉCA, FRANCE
PhD : Arpaia Luca, Continuous mesh deformation and coupling with uncertainty quantification for coastal inundation problems, defended in September 2017.
PhD: Peluchon Simon, Approximation numérique et modélisation de l'ablation différentielle de deux matériaux: application à l'ablation liquide. Advisor: Luc Mieussens. PhD hosted in CEA-CESTA. Defended in November 2017.
PhD in progress : Bosi, Umberto, ALE spectral element Boussinesq modelling of wave energy converters, started in November 2015.
PhD in progress : Cortesi Andrea, Predictive numerical simulation for rebuilding freestream conditions in atmospheric entry flows, started in October 2014.
PhD in progress: Lin Xi, Asymptotic modelling of incompressible reactive flows in self-healing composites, started in October 2014.
PhD in progress: Aurore Fallourd, Modeling and Simulation of inflight de-icing systems, Started in October 2016.
PhD in progress: Guillaume Jeanmasson, Explicit methods with local time stepping for the simulation of unsteady turbulent flows. Started in October 2016. Advisor: Luc Mieussens. Hosted in ONERA Châtillon.
PhD in progress: Francois Sanson, Uncertainty propagation in a system of codes, started in February 2016.
PhD in progress: Nassim Razaaly, Robust optimization of ORC systems, started in February 2016.
PhD in progress: Mickael Rivier, Ooptimization under uncertainties of complex systems, started in May 2017.
Luc Mieussens has been referee and member of a jury for the PhD of M. Abdelmalik, defended in TU Eindhoven (Nederlands) in May 2017;
Héloïse Beagendre has been referee and member of a jury for the PhD of E. Itam (Montpellier University in November 2017), and referee and member of a jury for the PhD of C. Bayeux (ONERA Toulouse, in December 2017);
Mathieu Colin has been referee and member of a jury for the PhD of Tianxiang Gou, defended in Université de Franche-Comté in October 2017l
Mario Ricchiuto has been referee and member of the jury of the HDR of J. Harris (U. Paris-Est, November 2017), member of the PhD jury of M. Legal (Paris-Est, February 2017), and president of the juries of J. Deborde (U. de Bordeaux, June 2017), and S. Pelouchon (U. de Bordeaux, November 2017);