Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Benoît Caillaud has organized the Synchron'17 open workshop on Synchronous Programming Languages ( that took place at Inria Rennes from November 27th-30th 2017.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Khalil Ghorbal served as a PC member in the Repeatability Evaluation Committee of HSCC (Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control) 2017.
Albert Benveniste served as a PC member of the International Modelica Conference 2017.
Benoît Caillaud has served on the Steering and Programme Committees of the ACSD'17 conference.
Khalil Ghorbal reviewed a paper for the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2017.
Albert Benveniste reviewed a paper for FoSSaCS (International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures) 2017.
Benoît Caillaud has reviewed one paper for the LICS'17 conference.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Khalil Ghorbal reviewed a journal paper for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Albert Benveniste reviewed a journal paper for the Science of Computer Programming journal.
Benoît Caillaud has reviewed papers for th IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Invited Talks
Khalil Ghorbal was invited by Saman Zonouz. Rutgers University, NJ, USA.
Albert Benveniste gave an invited talk at the Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Scientific Expertise
Albert Benveniste was a reviewer for the ERC Advanced Grant proposals 2017.
Research Administration
Benoît Caillaud is head of the Language and Software Engineering Department of IRISA (UMR 6074). The department is composed of 9 research teams and about 120 researchers and students, in Brest, Rennes and Vannes.