Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
I. Boneva gives a Master 1 semester on Algorithms for databases.
F. Capelli organized a research school on Knowledge Compilation at ENS de Lyon in December 2017.
A. Lemay is pedagogical responsible for Computer Science and Numeric correspondent for UFR LEA, Lille 3.
J. Niehren was teaching the course “Foundations of Data and Knowledge Bases” at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, as part of the PhD summer school of the Academie without Borders.
J. Niehren was teaching the course “Foundations of Databases” as part of the masters 2 Mocad on Information Extraction at the University of Lille 1.
S. Salvati is pedagogical responsible of Master Miage FA, Lille 1.
S. Salvati organised the reasearch label for Computer Science Bachelor, Lille 1.
S. Staworko is pedagogical responsible of the Web Analyst Master, Lille 3.
S. Staworko has created an online lecture on R as part of the partnership between Lille 3 University and Dakar University, Senegal.
S. Tison is pedagogical responsible of first year ACT Master, Lille 1.
PhD in progress: D. Gallois. Since 2015. Recursive Queries. Supervised by Bourhis and Tison.
PhD in progress: M. Sakho. Hyperstreaming Query answering on graphs. Since 2016. Supervised by Niehren and Boneva.
PhD in progress: J.M. Lozano. On data integration for mixed database formats. Supervised by Boneva and Staworko.
PhD in progress: P. Gallot. On safety of data transformations. Started on October 2017. Supervised by Lemay and Salvati.
Projet de Fin d'Étude (PFE): N. Crosetti. On weighted dependency aggregation. Supervised by Capelli, Niehren and Ramon (Team MAGNET).
S. Salvati was the reviewer of El Makki VOUNDY's thesis Langages ε-sûrs et caractérisations des langages d'ordres supérieurs defended on November 15, 2017, University of Marseille.
S. Salvati was a member of the jury of Félix Baschenis' thesis Minimisation de ressources pour les transductions régulières sur les mots defended on December 5, 2017, University of Bordeaux.
Selection committies
P. Bourhis was a member of the selection committee for two assistant professorships at the University of Lille III.
A. Lemay was a member of the selection committee for two assistant professorships at the University of Lille III.
S. Tison was a member of the selection committee for an assistant professorship at the University of Rouen.
S. Tison was a member of the selection committee for an assistant professorship at the University of Marne-la-Vallée.
S. Tison was a member of the selection committee for a professorship at the University of Calais.
S. Tison is a member of the jury of “Agrégation de mathématiques, option D”.