Section: Dissemination
We took part in "FACTS", the art and science festival of Université de Bordeaux, and more precisely in the exhibition "Open Lab", which took place from November 14 to 21 at Espace 29. In collaboration with the artist Maud Mulliez, we presented our ongoing work, "L'empreinte du Geste", which aims at analyzing the connection between the gesture of the artist and the mark that the brush or pen produces on the final art piece. An installation combining videos and projection was allowing the audiance to discover our preliminary results.
Pierre Bénard gave a talk titled L'art et la science des films d'animation 3D during the internal Inria BSO seminar "Unithé ou café" in January 2017 (45 minutes + questions) and in front of secondary students (120 split into 5 groups) during "la Fête de la Science" (30 minutes) in September 2017. This talk presents the main steps and ingredients required to create a 3D animated film (3D modeling, animation, lighting, rendering) and, for each of them, it shows the subtle but indispensable mix of physical and mathematical models, computer algorithms and artistic talent that it implies. It also highlights how the work of manao contributes to this field.