Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • J.-B. Caillau was member of the 2017 PGMO days scientific committee.

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • 09/2017: Mini-symposium ”Geometric control & applications”, 18th French-German-Italian conference on optimization, Paderborn (J.-B. Caillau)

  • 11/2017: Mini-symposium ”Optimal control & applications to biology”, PGMO days 2017, Paris Saclay (J.-B. Caillau)

  • 12/2017 (Dijon): Journées McTAO: event organized by the team with thee invited speakers and two from the team.

Scientific Events Selection


  • B. Bonnard and J. Rouot, together with M. Chyba, have written the series of notes [17], soon to appear as Springer briefs Publications. They were the basis of courses at the Phd level given at the University of Burgundy and at the institute of Mathematics for industry at Fukuoka (Japan).

  • J.-B. Caillau, together with M. Bergounioux, G. Peyré, C. Schnörr and T. Haberkorn, served as an editor for the volume [11]. With a focus on the interplay between mathematics and applications of imaging, the first part covers topics from optimization, inverse problems and shape spaces to computer vision and computational anatomy. The second part is geared towards geometric control and related topics, including Riemannian geometry, celestial mechanics and quantum control.


B. Bonnard is a member of the editorial board of the Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry.

Invited Talks

Jean-Baptiste Caillau:

02/2017: Séminaire ENAC, Toulouse

06/2017: Mathematical Control Theory, Porquerolles

07/2017: New Horizons on Optimal Control, Porto

11/2017: PGMO Days 2017, Paris Saclay (with Barlaud, M.; Gilet, C.)

Laetitia Giraldi:

03/2017: Seminar at University Paris Dauphine

05/2017: Speaker at a meeting of the IPL Algae in Silico

09/2017: Seminar at Gibsa-lab, Grenoble

10/2017: Speaker at Interaction Fluide-Structure: Analyse et Contrôle

11/2017: Seminar at Institut de Recherche Mathématiques Avancée, Strasbourg

Michaël Orieux:

09/2017: Workshop on Classical Integrability and Perturbations, Paris

Jean-Baptiste Pomet:

09/2017: Séminaire de géométrie hamiltonienne of Paris VI - UPMC.

Ludovic Rifford:

07/2017: Plenary speaker at the Pan African Congress of Mathematics, Rabat (Morocco)

07/2017: Plenary speaker at the conference New Trends in Control Theory and PDEs, INdAM, Rome (Italy)

09/2017: Plenary speaker at the Conférence à la mémoire d'Ahmad El Soufi, Université François Rabelais, Tours (France)

Research Administration

Jean-Baptiste Caillau has been the joint head of the CNRS team Statistique, Probabilités, Optimisation & Contrôle at Institut math. Bourgogne. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the GdR Calcul, of the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (Observatoire de Paris), and of the Programme Gaspard Monge pour l’Optimisation et la recherche opérationnelle de la Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard.

From 2017 Laetitia Giraldi is member of CSD Comité du suivi Doctoral at Sophia-Antipolis.

Jean-Baptiste Pomet is a member of the steering committee of the Center for Planetary Origin (C4PO) and of the scientific council of Académie 2 “Complex system”, both for Université Côte d'Azur (UCA). He is an elected member of Commission d'évaluation (Inria permanent evaluation committee).

Ludovic Rifford has been Executive Director of the CIMPA (Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées) since September 2016.