Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Stefan Haar taught one half of L3 level class on Formal Languages at ENS Paris-Saclay (15 h CM, 22.5 EQTD).

  • Serge Haddad is professor at ENS Paris-Saclay. Claudine Picaronny, Thomas Chatain, and Stefan Schwoon are associate professors of the same university.

  • Serge Haddad is the head of the Computer Science Department, and Stefan Schwoon is in charge of the L3 formation.

  • Claudine Picaronny is a co-director of the ENS Paris-Saclay’s Mathematics department and a member of the juries of the `agrégation interne de Mathématiques’ and of the second `concours de Mathématiques’ of ENS Paris-Saclay; she is also the coordinator of the mathematics/computer science examination of E3A, parts MP and MC.

  • Matthias Függer is teaching "Initiation à la recherche" at ENS Paris-Saclay.


Theses in progress:

  • Hugues Mandon, ENS Paris-Saclay since October 2016, on computational models and algorithms for the prediction of Cell Reprogramming Strategies, co-supervised by Stefan Haar and L. Paulevé (LRI)

  • Juraj Kolc̆ák, , ENS Paris-Saclay since March 2017, on Unfoldings and Abstract Interpretation for Parametric Biological Regulatory Networks, co-supervised by Stefan Haar and L. Paulevé (LRI).

  • Adnane Saoud, Université Paris-Saclay since 2016, jointly supervised by Laurent Fribourg and Antoine Girard (Centrale-Supelec).

  • Engel Lefaucheux, ENS Paris-Saclay since 2015, Controlling information in probabilistic systems, jointly supervised by Nathalie Bertrand (SUMO team) and Serge Haddad

  • Yann Duplouy, IRT SystemX since 2015, Application of formal methods to the development of embedded systems for autonomous vehicles, supervised by Béatrice Bérard and Serge Haddad.

  • Robert Najvirt (TU Wien, Austrian FWF SIC project), realistic delay models with applica- tions in high-speed and low-power circuits, co-supervised by Matthias Függer and Andreas Steininger.

  • Martin Perner (TU Wien, Austrian FWF SIC project), clock generation on-chip and formalisms suitable to prove correct VLSI circuits, co-supervised by Matthias Függer and Ulrich Schmid.

  • Juergen Maier (TU Wien, Austrian FWF SIC project), on realistic delay models with applications in high-speed and low-power circuits, with focus on noise and high-order models, co-supervised by Matthias Függer and with Ulrich Schmid.


  • Laurent Fribourg was a member of the Jury of Irini-Eleftheria Mens's PhD Thesis on “Learning regular languages over large alphabets", defended at University of Grenoble, October 2017.

  • Stefan Haar was a reviewer of the thesis by Guillaume Madelaine on 'Simplifications Exactes et Structurelles de Réseaux de Réactions Biologiques', defended on February 28 at Lille University, France.

  • Serge Haddad was:

    • reviewer in the jury of Bruno Karelovic on Quantitative Analysis of Stochastic Systems – Priority Games and Populations of Markov Chains on July 7 2017, University Paris 7

    • president of the jury of Nicolas David on Réseaux de Petri à Paramètres Discrets on October 20 University Nantes

    • reviewer in the jury of Thomas Geffroy on Vers des outils efficaces pour la vérification de systèmes concurrents on December 12 2017, University Bordeaux

  • Claudine Picaronny was Member of the jury of Pierre Carlier's Thesis on 'Verification of Stochastic Timed Automata', on the 8th of december 2017, Mons, Belgium